Tetiana Hudz is appointed Head of the Department of Constitutional and International Law

Oleksandr Muzychuk, Vice-Rector for Scientific Work of Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs, Honored Lawyer of Ukraine, Doctor of Legal Sciences, Professor, introduced the Head of the Department of Constitutional and International Law, Professor of the Department, Candidate of Legal Sciences, Associate Professor Tetiana Hudz to the staff of the faculty No. 4. 

Career guidance meeting at Vysochanskyi Lyceum No. 2 in Kharkiv region

Oksana Bortnik, Associate Professor of the Department of Civil and Legal Disciplines of the faculty No. 4, held a career orientation meeting with the administration of the Communal Institution "Vysochanskyi Lyceum No. 2 of the Vysokyi Settlement Council of Kharkiv District, Kharkiv region." 

A comfortable learning atmosphere is the key to successful foreign language learning

Head of the Department of Foreign Languages of the faculty No. 4 of KhNUIA Olena Stativka and lecturers of the same Department Valentyna Pochuieva, Larysa Sazanova, Oleh Honcharuk and Artem Bilousov took part in the international online webinar "Learning Balancing fun and learning with the first graders".

Meeting of the university cadets with chaplains

To the anniversary of the beginning of the large-scale armed aggression of the Russian Federation against Ukraine, Taras Banas, member of the secretariat of the Spiritual Council of Kamianets-Podilskyi, and Oleksandr Vershyhora, chaplain of the law enforcement system, priest, held a meeting with cadets of the faculties No. 1 and No. 4 of KhNUIA, who are most in need of parental support and care - cadets who lost relatives in the war. 

Practice as an important element of training for higher education applicants

The  defense of educational materials of the 3rd year cadets of the faculty No. 4 of Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs took place.

Academic responsibility of applicants for education: new provisions of the legislation

A meeting of the scientific circle of the Department of Combating Cybercrime of the Faculty № 4 of KhNUIA on the topic "Academic responsibility of applicants for education: new provisions of the legislation" was held online. 

Constitutional and legal status of public formations in Ukraine

Tetiana Hudz, Professor of the Department of Constitutional and International Law of the faculty No. 4, and Ivan Kharchenko, Lawyer, Chairman of the board of the Public Association "Prolisok-Berdiansk", held a binary class.

All-Ukrainian scientific and pedagogical professional development

Representatives of Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs took part in the All-Ukrainian scientific and pedagogical professional development "Security sector of the state: domestic experience and best international practices".

Drugs and their effects on the body

A class on the drugs influence on the state of health and mental development of a person was held for students of higher education of Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs.

The dean of the faculty No. 4 was introduced to the staff

Oleksandr Muzychuk, Vice-Rector for scientific work of Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs, introduced Mykola Marchuk, Dean of the Faculty No. 4, Doctor of Legal Sciences, Professor, Police Lieutenant Colonel, to the staff of the Faculties No. 1 and No. 4.