Cadets of Faculty No. 4 support the fighting spirit of wounded fighters

The servicemen of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, who are currently undergoing treatment in one of Zaporizhzhia hospitals, were visited by second- and third-year cadets of Faculty No. 4 of KhNUIA. During the conversation, the cadets learned about the peculiarities of conducting military operations, the importance of moral and psychological support of the military.

A meeting of the scientific circle on academic integrity was held

An extraordinary meeting of the scientific circle of the Department of Constitutional and International Law of the Faculty No. 4 of KhNUIA was held online under the chairmanship of Associate Professor of the Department, Candidate of Legal Sciences, Associate Professor Oleksandr Radchenko.

KhNUIA representatives congratulated the children on St. Mykolai Day

Saint Mykolai Day is a joyful and long-awaited holiday that all children look forward to, because Saint Mykolai is the patron saint of children, who gives them gifts and sweets. Cadets and staff of Faculties No. 1 and No. 4 of Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs, together with representatives of Kamianets-Podilskyi district police department of the MDNP in Khmelnytskyi region, congratulated the pupils of the preschool educational institutions "Svitliachok", No. 3 "Usmishka" and Kamianets- Podilskyi educational and rehabilitation center of Khmelnytskyi Regional Council.

Curatorial work - we spend leisure time together

On the eve of St. Mykolai Day, first year cadets of the Faculty No. 4 and their curator - senior lecturer of the Department of Foreign Languages, Larysa Sazanova, organized a festive brainstorming session.

University lecturers check the cadets' training practice/internship

The Head of the Department of Police Activity and Public Administration of the Faculty No. 3, police colonel Olha Bezpalova, and the Head of the Department of Operational and Investigative Activity and Crime Detection of the Faculty No. 2, police colonel Vladyslav Shendryk, visited Derhachi, Kharkiv region, where they met with the leadership of Police Department No. 3 of Kharkiv District Police Department No. 3 of the MDNP in Kharkiv region.

University cadets are serving in Kharkiv police units

The Head of the Department of Operative Investigative Activity and Crime Detection, police colonel Vladyslav Shendryk, and the specialist of the Faculty No. 2, senior police lieutenant Denys Hnylytskyi, held a consultation with cadets of the 2nd, 3rd and 4th years of KhNUIA, who are undergoing educational practice and internships in Kharkiv police departments.

Educational work is an important factor in shaping the personality of a future law enforcement officer

An integral component of the educational process at Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs is educational work, the role of which increases in the conditions of martial law. Senior lecturer of the Department of Foreign Languages ​​of the Faculty No. 4 of KhNUIA - curator of the first year group of the Faculty No. 4 Larysa Sazanova visited the cadets in the dormitory and held individual conversations.

Human rights advocacy workshops (updated)

Nataliia Filipska, a Senior Lecturer at the Department of Constitutional and International Law of the Faculty No. 4 of Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs, took part in two workshops on the topic "War crimes - the style dictated by Russia. How not to become followers?" and ''Abduction of civilians as a systematic practice in the occupied territories", as well as in the online platform "Problems of statelessness in Ukraine and challenges in conditions of war".

Safe and effective use of digital technologies and Internet resources became the topic of the webinar

Head of the Department of Foreign Languages ​​of the Faculty No. 4 of KhNUIA Olena Stativka and lecturers of the same department Valentyna Pochuieva, Larysa Sazanova, Oleh Honcharuk and Artem Bilousov took part in the international online webinar "Digital Literacy for Teenagers. Prepare for Future" from "Cambridge University Press".

Participation of scientific and pedagogical staff of the university in international conferences

Head of the Department of Foreign Languages ​​of the Faculty No. 4 of KhNUIA Olena Stativka took part in the V International scientific and practical online conference "Concepts and use of technologies in practice", which took place in London and presented a report on the topic "Distance learning: problems of teaching foreign languages in institutions of higher education".