University cadets took part in the prevent drug crime action

Cadets of KhNUIA headed by the Dean of the Faculty No. 4 (cyberpolice) Viacheslav Markov, juvenile prevention officers of the Department on Combating Drug-Related Crimes of the Main Directorate of the National Police in Kharkiv region and activists of the public formation "Social Security of the District Safety " held an action and painted over the email addresses of the drug stores in Liubotyn.

The victories of the University athletes in the Ukrainian Sambo Championship were marked

An awards ceremony for participants of the Ukrainian Sambo Championship among juniors and seniors took place during the morning line-up of the personnel of Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs.

University cadets visited Kharkiv Art Museum

Cadets of study group 401 of the faculty № 4 together with the curator, associate professor of the Department of Constitutional and International Law, Oleksandr Radchenko, visited the exhibition "Western European Art of XV-XIX centuries", which is exhibited in the Kharkiv Art Museum.

Getting to know the sights of Kharkiv

Associate Professor of Department of Constitutional and International Law Yevheniia Lohvynenko together with cadets of study group 203 of the faculty №4 had a study tour of Kharkiv on Saturday evening. They visited the Palladium cinema, the architectural monuments of the city.

The cadets of the university became winners and prize-winners of the Ukrainian sambo championship

The Ukrainian Sambo Wrestling Championship among juniors and seniors took place. The championship gathered 558 people that is a record number of participants. Athletes from Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs also took part in the competition.

Representatives of the Faculty No.4 answered online future applicants’ questions

An online meeting with future applicants took place at Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs. Viktor Slysh, Advisor to the Rector of the University, Viacheslav Markov, Dean of the Faculty No.4, Lieutenant Colonel of Police, representatives of structural units of the university, the scientific and pedagogical staff of the faculty, and cadets took part in the event.

School of course officers

Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs has launched the “School of Course Officers” - a new form of work for heads of educational courses of Faculties, the Institute of Postgraduate Education and Sumy Branch.

The cadets visited with a tour Yu. O. Haharin Kharkiv Planetarium

Associate Professor of the Department of Constitutional and International Law Yevheniia Lohvynenko together with the study group 203 of the Faculty No. 4 visited Yu. O. Haharin Kharkiv Planetarium. During the tour, they learned about the anomalous areas of the planet, meteorites, astronomical data on the possibility of life in other worlds, got acquainted with the observations of pilots and astronauts, viewed photos of NASA.

The Vice-Rector of the University Serhii Bortnyk talked to junior commanders of cadet units

A meeting of Serhii Bortnyk, Vice-Rector of the University, Police Colonel, with junior commanders of cadet units of the Faculties No.No. 1–4 took place within the framework of the School of Junior Commanders of Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs. Serhii Mykolaiovych noted, that the role of junior commanders in ensuring the functioning of cadet units should not be underestimated.

KhNUIA team took 5th place in the world ranking on the Internet platform “Hack The Box” (video)

The profession of a police officer who provides cybersecurity for citizens is one of the most popular professions in the system of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine. Training specialists in the IT field, the scientific and pedagogical staff of Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs do everything to produce good specialists who can solve problems of any complexity.