KhNUIA athletes won prizes in the Open Cup in kettlebell lifting

Athletes of Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs took part in the Open Cup of Kharkiv in kettlebell lifting. According to the results of the competition, the representatives of the university won prizes, in the team competition the team of KhNUIA took the second place.

KhNUIA cadets are trained on the educational online platform LEEd CEPOL

The 4th year cadet of the Faculty № 2 Ruslan Chubenko and the 4th year cadet of the Faculty № 4 Illia Kazmirchuk successfully completed the training courses on the educational online platform LEEd CEPOL. Ruslan Chubenko took the following courses: "EU policy cycle for organized and serious international crime" and "Community Policing and Prevention of Radicalization".

Social media as an effective tool for education and e-learning

Scientific and pedagogical staff of the Department of Foreign Languages ​​of  Faculty No.4 took part in the scientific and methodical seminar "The impact of social media on education or e-learning" prepared and conducted by the Head of the Cross-cultural Communication and Foreign Languages Department of National Technical University “Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute” Doctor of Sciences, Professor, Olena Horoshko.


Academic integrity is the key to education quality

Vita Filipska, a senior lecturer of the Department of Foreign Languages ​​of Faculty No.4 held a meeting of the student scientific circle on the topic "Academic Integrity". The cadets got acquainted with the Law of Ukraine "On Education" (Article 42) which defines the concept of academic integrity, the main types of violations of academic integrity and academic liability.

Сadets of KhNUIA took part in the International Debate Tournament

The Department of Foreign Languages ​​of Faculty No.4 together with the Department of International Cooperation held an international debate tournament between cadets of Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs (Ukraine) and cadets of the Academy of Police Forces in Bratislava (Slovakia).

Binary lesson with the participation of a cyber-police officer

Oleksandr Manzhai, the Head of the Department for Combating Cybercrime of the Faculty №4 of Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs, and Vitalii Svitlychnyi, Associate Professor of the same department, conducted a binary lesson on Digital Forensics with the participation of the inspector of the department of counteraction to cybercrimes in Poltava region of the Department of cyberpolice of the National police of Ukraine. 

The cadets of the Faculty № 4 met with the chairman of the cadet-student parliament

The head of the cadet-student parliament, police officer Oleksandr Babych, met with cadets of 1-4 courses of the Faculty № 4 of Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs. During the meeting the issues concerning the purpose, goals and tasks of the cadet-student self-government of KhNUIA were discussed.

Cadets of Faculty № 4 visited the exhibition "ATO-JFO through the eyes of contemporary artists"

Cadets of Faculty № 4 KhNUIA together with the Deputy Dean for Educational and Methodological Work of Faculty № 4 Police Major Yurii Onyshchenko visited the exhibition "ATO- JFO through the eyes of contemporary artists", which takes place at the Center for Contemporary Art "YermilovCenter".

Cadets joined the cultural life of Kharkiv

Cadets of faculty No 2 of KhNUIA together with the curator - associate professor of the Department of Labor and Economic Law of faculty No 2 Olena Chornous joined the creative direction of classical musical works and visited Kharkiv Regional Philharmonic, where the program "Polish music in Ukraine: Chopin, Karlovich, Moniushko" was presented.


Participation of the representatives of the Debate Club of KhNUIA in the tournament for beginners “Inception”

The representatives of the Debate Club of Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs took part in the debate tournament for beginners “Inception”. The event was held on the basis of Yaroslav Mudyi National Law University.