Online professional development

Andrii Voitsikhovskyi, Professor of the Department of Constitutional and International Law, Faculty № 4, took an online course "Human Rights in the Educational Space" developed by the OSCE Project Coordinator in Ukraine and the EdEra online education studio.

Digital investigations

The webinar of the USAID project "Cybersecurity of Ukraine's Critical Infrastructure", initiated by the United States Agency for International Development, was attended by higher education students of KhNUIA, who are studying in the specialty "Cybersecurity and Information Protection".

Participation in the educational session on cybersecurity

Applicants for higher education of KhNUIA, who are studying in the specialty "Cybersecurity and Information Protection", took part in the educational session "Cyberwar with Russia: Education in the face of new challenges and threats. A new window of opportunity for students".

University representatives took part in a moderated discussion

The academic staff of the Department of Constitutional and International Law of the Faculty № 4 of KhNUIA attended the webinar "New system of importation and accounting of humanitarian aid: opportunities and challenges", organized with the help of the ICAP Ednannia Civil Society House hub.

Lecturers of the Department of Foreign Languages have successfully completed a course in business English

Associate professors of the Department of Foreign Languages of the Faculty № 4 of KhNUIA Oleh Honcharuk, Valentyna Kochyna, senior lecturers Larysa Sazanova and Artem Bilousov completed a 5-week online course "Business English" through the Prometheus platform of massive open online courses.

Scientific activity of students as an element of quality assurance of higher education

A regular optional lesson of the School of Scientific Leadership of Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs on the topic "Scientific activity of students as an element of quality assurance of higher education" was held by one of the founders of the School - Vladyslav Neviadovskyi, Academic Secretary of the Secretariat of the Academic Council of KhNUIA.

Kharkiv schoolchildren were introduced to the University

Olena Stativka, Head of the Department of Foreign Languages of the Faculty No. 4 of Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs, held an online career guidance conversation with students of Kharkiv Secondary School No. 110 of Kharkiv City Council. Particular attention was paid to the benefits of studying at Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs and the specialties for which the university is currently recruiting.

A lesson in law for students of Zakarpattia

Vadym Maltsev, a lecturer at the Department of Constitutional and International Law of the Faculty № 4 of Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs, visited the Business School of General Secondary Education of Rakhiv City Council of Rakhiv District of Zakarpattia Region.

European integration is the way to new standards

Professor of the Department of Constitutional and International Law of the Faculty № 4 of Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs, Candidate of Law, Associate Professor Andrii Voitsikhovskyi took an online course "Ukraine on the Way to the EU" on the online education platform in Ukraine "Prometheus".

An interdepartmental round table was held at the University

Representatives of the Department of Theory and History of State and Law of the Faculty of Law No. 1 together with the Department of Constitutional and International Law of the Faculty of Law No. 4 held an interdepartmental round table "National Security of Ukraine under Martial Law: Challenges and Realities of Today".