On the Day of Knowledge, first-year students of the faculties No. 1 and No. 4 of KhNUIA received cadet shoulder straps

The solemn events on the occasion of the closing of the camp training, presentation of shoulder straps to the 1st year cadets of the Faculties No. 1 and No. 4 and the Day of Knowledge began with the introduction of the University Flag, the State Flag and the performance of the State Anthem of Ukraine.

Stress resistance training was conducted for the camp cadets

Olha Medvedieva, Associate Professor of the Department of Pedagogy and Psychology of the Faculty № 3 of KhNUIA, conducted training on stress resistance skills for the cadets of the camps of Faculties № 1 and № 4. The students gained theoretical knowledge about the nature and specifics of stress, as well as mastered practical skills of effective stress management.

The true face of war

The first-year cadets of Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs watched a series of films about the chronicles of the war in Slobozhanshchyna, stories of eyewitnesses who saw the racist atrocities with their own eyes. The stories were collected and organized by Kharkiv Press Club with the support of the U.S. Embassy's Democracy Fund in Ukraine as part of the project "Kharkiv Region: Destroyed but Unbreakable," united under the name "SCARS."

Professional ethics of a police officer

Within the framework of the camp, the first-year students of the Faculties No. 1 and No. 4 of KhNUIA met with Pavlo Makarenko, Associate Professor of the Department of Pedagogy and Psychology, Candidate of Psychological Sciences, Associate Professor. This time they discussed the important topic for future law enforcement officers "Professional and ethical requirements for the rules of conduct of police officers".

University students continue to weave nets for the Armed Forces of Ukraine

Students of the Faculties 1 and 4 of Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs are actively involved in weaving camouflage nets. From the beginning of the full-scale invasion to the present day, nets are always needed at the front and in large quantities. That is why the cadets are involved in this important work, because every camouflage net is a life.

Combatant Serhii Vasyliev: "In any situation, look for the positive, honor Ukraine, yourself and your parents"

On the Day of Remembrance of the Fallen Defenders of Ukraine, the cadets of the camp training of the Faculties No. 1 and No. 4 of Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs met with Serhii Vasyliev, a combatant of one of the air assault brigades.

University representatives honored the memory of the Hero of Ukraine Vitalii Hrytsaienko

On the Day of Remembrance of the Defenders of Ukraine, representatives of Kremenchuk Flight College of Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs together with the family of the university graduate, Hero of Ukraine Vitalii Hrytsaienko put flowers at the memorial plaque installed in honor of the Hero on the facade of Borys Serha Poltava Secondary School, where Vitalii Hrytsaienko studied.

The University took part in the flash mob "Tie a ribbon of memory in honor of Heroes"

The purpose of the event was to honor the Heroes, the defenders of Ukraine who defended the ideals of democracy, our independence and unity at the cost of their own lives, people who proved that Ukraine will always fight for its freedom and European future.

Rector of KhNUIA Valerii Sokurenko: "Courage and heroism of soldiers will always remain in our memory"

On August 29, Ukraine celebrates the Day of Remembrance of the Defenders of Ukraine - servicemen and members of volunteer formations who died in the struggle for independence, sovereignty and territorial integrity of the state, perpetuating their heroism, strengthening the patriotic spirit in society.

University students improved their knowledge on cyber hygiene

Cadets and students of Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs took part in a regular course on cyber hygiene developed by the OSCE Support Program for future law enforcement and rescue officers of Ukraine. The event was attended by Maksym Romanov, Deputy Head of the Department for Organization of Scientific Activities and Innovations - Head of the Organizational and Scientific Division of the Department of Education, Science and Sports of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine.