Binary classes - a promising way to improve the training of future specialists

Nataliia Olendra, a lecturer at the Department of Foreign Languages of the Faculty No. 4, together with Anastasiia Korolova, an investigator of the Crime Investigation Department of Kovel District Police Department of the National Police of Ukraine in Volyn Region, and Yuliia Yakymchuk, a district police officer of the Prevention Department of Shepetivka District Police Department of the Main Department of the National Police in Khmelnytskyi Region, conducted a binary lesson in the discipline "Foreign Language for Professional Purposes" for first-year cadets of the Faculty No. 1 on the topic "Pickpocketing".

Scientific activity of the Faculty No. 4 under martial law

The academic staff and cadets of the Faculty No. 4 continue to actively engage in scientific research even under martial law. Faculty cadets took part in the VIII International scientific and practical conference "Trends, theories and ways of improving science" in Madrid, Spain.

On the Day of the Ukrainian Volunteer, cadets and staff of the university honored the memory of defenders

On March 14, Ukraine celebrates the Day of the Ukrainian Volunteer. Cadets and staff of Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs observed a moment of silence in memory of the fallen defenders who gave their lives defending the freedom and independence of Ukraine, and put flowers at the monument in Heroes' Square.

The cadets were introduced to the work of the chatbot "StopRussia | "MRIYA"

A meeting of cadets with Oleksii Perets, inspector of the Department of Countering Cybercrimes in Khmelnytskyi Region of the Department of Cyber Police of the National Police of Ukraine, was held at the Faculty No. 4 of KhNUIA. The main topic of the meeting was the discussion of the project of the Cyber Police Department "StopRussia | MRIYA" on countering Russian aggression in cyberspace.

Camouflage nets for the Armed Forces of Ukraine

The cadets, together with volunteer organizations, are involved in weaving camouflage nets for the needs of Ukraine's defenders. The boys and girls devote their free time to this cause. They are confident that such effective and necessary camouflage means will save many lives on the front line.

"At the Turn" - the right of the Ukrainian people to be independent

As part of the military and patriotic education, applicants for higher education of the Faculties №1 and №4 of KhNUIA visited the exhibition of the Russian-Ukrainian war "At the Turn", organized by Kamianets-Podilskyi State Historical Museum.

Using digital educational content to prepare for a foreign language exam

Olena Stativka, Head of the Department of Foreign Languages of the Faculty No. 4, and lecturers of the same department Valentyna Pochuieva, Larysa Sazanova, Oleh Honcharuk and Artem Bilousov took part in an international online webinar "Using bite-sized digital content to prepare our students for their B2 First (for Schools) exam" by Cambridge Language Teaching.

Participation in the webinar "Human Rights"

Andrii Voitsikhovskyi, Professor of the Department of Constitutional and International Law, Faculty  №4, took part in the webinar "Human Rights" held by the Center for Civil Liberties and Kyiv School of Human Rights and Democracy.

KhNUIA cadets donate blood and plasma for the Armed Forces of Ukraine

Our brave and heroic warriors amaze the whole world with their courage and bravery, and we are worthily thanking them with our support. War dictates its own conditions - blood is needed every day to save both wounded defenders and civilians. The students of the Faculties №1 and №4 of KhNUIA in Khmelnytskyi region have once again donated blood and its components.

The Impact of Tokyo Tribunal's Practice on the Development of International Criminal Law

Andrii Voitsikhovskyi, Professor of the Department of Constitutional and International Law, Faculty №4, attended a thematic lecture on "Tokyo Tribunal: the one that unfairly remains in the shadow of history" prepared by the Center for Civil Liberties and Kyiv School of Human Rights and Democracy.