Online scientific internship

Associate Professor of the Department of Sociology and Psychology of Faculty No. 6, Candidate of Psychological Sciences Yana Ponomarenko passed online the II International Scientific Internship Program  "Outstanding Personalities: Study of Experience and Professional Achievements for the Formation of a Successful Personality and Transformation of the World".

Career guidance work of the Department of Social and Humanitarian Disciplines

Mykhailo Ovchynnykov, Senior Lecturer of the Department of Social and Humanities Disciplines of Faculty No. 6, held a career guidance event at Kharkiv Lyceum No. 161 "Impulse".

Binary lesson in the discipline "Criminal Procedure"

Yuliia Doroshenko, a lecturer of the Department of Criminal Procedure, Criminalistics and Expertology of faculty No. 6, together with a member of the NGO "Association of Lawyers" Kharkiv Regional Bar Association", Vladlen Silk held a binary class for students of the 3rd year of Faculty No. 6 in the discipline "Criminal Procedure".

Binary lesson for students with the participation of a police officer

For students of the Faculty №6 Associate Professors of the Department of Legal Support of Economic Activity Iryna Vasylko, Iryna Kireieiva, senior lecturer of the same department Artem Dobrovinskyi and company inspector of the 5th battalion 2 PPD in Kharkiv region RPS lieutenant police Mykyta Baranov conducted a joint binary lesson.

Advanced training online

Head of the Department of Legal Support of Economic Activity of the Faculty № 6, Professor Olha Hetmanets passed online the II International Training Program for Heads of Education and Science, as well as pedagogical and scientific-pedagogical workers "Together with prominent leaders of today: values, experience, knowledge, competencies and technologies for the formation of a successful personality and the transformation of the surrounding world".

International scientific and academic internship

Associate professors of the Department of Sociology and Psychology of the Faculty №6 KhNUIA Olena Shakhova and Volodymyr Filonenko completed the international scholar and academic internship “Innovations in education. Innovative technologies for lecturing professional disciplines” (Innovations in education. Innovative technologies for lecturing professional disciplines) in Katowice (Poland).

Online lecture with the contemporary Ukrainian writer Liubko Deresh

Associate Professor of Social and Humanitarian Disciplines №6 Candidate of Philology Nataliia Kobylko along with the students-psychologists attended an online lecture of the contemporary Ukrainian writer, author of youth novels Liubko Deresh “Becoming a writer: how to write and publish the first art book”.


Binary lesson for applicants for higher education with the participation of a lawyer

Iryna Vasylko and Iryna Kyrieieva, Associate Professors of the Department of Legal Support of Economic Activity of the Faculty No. 6, Artem Dobrovinskyi, Senior Lecturer of the Department and a Lawyer Veronika Popova conducted a joint binary lesson on the topic "Forensic accounting expertise".

On the way to European private law

Academic staff of the Department of Civil Law and Proceedings of Faculty №6 KhNUIA Yurii Zhornokui, Oleh Syniehubov, Volodymyr Kroitor, Oleksandr Kukhariev, Larysa Krasytska took part in the XI International Civil Forum “On the way to European private law”.

Meeting with students studing in the educational and professional program "Law Enforcement"

The guarantor of the educational-professional program of the first (bachelor's) level of higher education "Law Enforcement" Iryna Panova held a meeting with the first-year students. During the meeting, students learned about the components of the program and the possibility of choosing disciplines in Package No 1 and Package No 2.