Book gift to the university library

The 30th of September is All-Ukrainian Day of Libraries. The Scientific Library of Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs already receives book gifts from the university community. Recently, the Head of the Department of Criminal Procedure, Criminalistics and Expertology of the Faculty №6 Doctor of Law, Professor Mykhailo Shcherbakovskyi presented interdepartmental scientific and methodological collections and collections of scientific papers. 

Binary lesson for master's students on the organization of the construction process in housing and communal services

A binary lesson on "Peculiarities of communication between lawyers and regulatory authorities in the construction process in housing and communal services" was held for master's students of the Faculty №6 of Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs.

Binary lesson for students of the Department of Civil Law and Procedure

A binary lesson on the discipline "Civil Law and Procedure" was held for senior students of the Faculty № 6 and was devoted to the topic "Civil Legal Relations". The classes were conducted by Victoriia Rasskazova, a senior lecturer of the Department of Civil Law and Procedure, and Krystyna Sinkevych, a lawyer.

Open lecture ''Structure of a criminal offense''

On October 5, 2021, at 9.30 am, Valeriia Samotiievych, Associate Professor of the Department of Criminal Law and Criminology, Faculty№ 6 of Kharkiv National
University of Internal Affairs, will hold an open lecture on discipline ''Criminal Law'' on ''The structure of a criminal offense''.

Representatives of the Department of Legal Support of Economic Activity conducted an online career guidance meeting

The Head of the Department of Legal Support of Economic Activity of Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs of the Faculty № 6 Professor Olha Hetmanets and Associate Professors of the same Department Victoriia Fursa, Dariia Korobtsova and Andrii Denysov conducted an online career guidance meeting with lyceums graduates of  municipal institute “Samiilivskyi lyceum of Blyzniukivskoi village council of Lozivskoho district of Kharkiv region".

A new detailed study of the history of Law Enforcement agencies in Kharkiv region

A new monograph by the collective of authors of Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs "Leaders of the Kharkiv militia / police (1918-2021): historical and legal research" was recently published. The monograph is devoted to the study of the role and activities of militia / police chiefs in Kharkiv region for more than 100-year period (1918–2021). The authors emphasize that in all periods of the history of Law Enforcement agencies a significant role in their activities, successes and failures was played by a personal factor – the leader himself.

Open lecture "Contractual and Non-Contractual Obligations"

September 24, 2021 at 9:30 in the amphitheater for second-year students an open lecture by Oleksandr Kukharev, Professor of the Department of Civil Law and Process, Faculty № 6 on "Contractual and non-contractual obligations" will be held.

University students visited the Zoo

Students of the Faculty № 6 together with the curator, Associate Professor of the Department of Legal Support of Economic Activity Iryna Kireeva visited the renovated Kharkiv Zoo. They watched the exposition of animals and visited the tour "African Savannah".

Binary lesson of the Department of Civil Law and Procedure

Binary lesson for the 4th year students of the Faculty № 6 KhNUIA on "Preparation of procedural documents in civil cases" was devoted to the topic "Statements of persons involved in the case". Associate Professor of the Department of Civil Law and Procedure Olha Moroz and a lawyer Liudmila Podlesnova conducted the lesson.

Binary lesson for students on the organization of patrol police activities

Mykola Holub, Associate Professor of the Department of Law Enforcement and Police Studies of the Faculty № 6, together with Artem Lykhomanov, Senior Inspector for Special Assignments of the Public Relations Department of the Patrol Police Department of Kharkiv, conducted a binary lecture for students of several groups on “Organization of patrol police activities. Experience of municipal police ".