Lecture on compliance with the principles and rules of academic integrity in KhNUIA

Serhii Ablamskyi, Police Captain, the Head of the Research and Intellectual Property Protection Department, and Kateryna Maravska, Senior Researcher, gave an introductory lecture for the members of the Research Group, Department of Law-Enforcement Activity and Policeistics at Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs.

Career guidance meeting with students of Sencha Secondary School of Poltava region

Zoia Bilan, a student of the Faculty No.6 of Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs, held a career guidance meeting at Sencha Secondary School of the 1st-3rd grades of Poltava region with the administration of the educational establishment and students of 10-11 graders.

Binary lesson with the participation of an employee of the Kharkiv City Employment Center

For the 1st year students of the Faculty №6 of Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs Iryna Vasylko and Maryna Romanenko, Associate Professors of the Department of Legal Support of Economic Activity, professor of the same department Yuliia Kyrychenko and senior lecturer Artem Dobrovinskyi along with a leading specialist in vocational guidance of Kharkiv City Employment Center conducted  joint binary lesson on the subject “Fundamentals of Economic Theory and Forensic Accounting”.

Binary lesson for master's students

A binary lesson for master`s auditory on the topic “Participation of a notary in the activity of a legal entity. Notary as a participant in economic procedural legal relations” on the discipline “Modern problems of economic process” .

Meeting of the scientific club of the Department of Law-Enforcement and Policeistics

The meeting of the scientific club of the Department of Law-Enforcement and Policeistics of faculty No. 6 was held. The meeting was attended by students, Head of the Department of Law Enforcement Iryna Panova, Head of the scientific club, Associate Professor of the Department of Law-Enforcement and Policeistics of Faculty No 6 Victoriia Melnyk and specialists of the department of organization of scientific activity and protection of intellectual property.

Meeting of the scientific club of the Department of Criminal Law and Criminology 

A meeting of the scientific club of the Department of Criminal Law and Criminology of the Faculty № 6 KhNUIA took place. Iryna Lutsenko, Associate Professor of the Department, presented the work plan of the scientific club for the 2021/2022 academic year and chose the topic of the next meeting.

Binary class on Family Law

Associate Professor of Civil Law and Proceedings Tetiana Kyrychenko and Associate Professor of Economic Activity Daryna Korobtsova together with lawyer Nadiia Chukhraeva conducted a joint binary lesson for students of several groups on the subject “Family Law”.

The lecturer of the Department of Law Enforcement Activities and Policeistics held a career guidance meeting

Yevheniia Berezhna, a senior lecturer at the Department of Law Enforcement Activities and Policeistics of the Faculty №6, held a career guidance meeting at Kharkiv Secondary School №131, where she met with the management of the educational institution and students of 10–11 grades.

Career guidance work in Kharkiv specialized school “Vertical”

Associate Professor of Criminal Procedure, Criminolistics and Expertology Svitlana Lozova conducted career guidance activities at Kharkiv Specialized School I-III degrees №166 “Vertical” and met with the Deputy Director for Educational Work Hanna Panchenko.


Associate Professor of Sociology and Psychology took part in the International Scientific Conference

Associate Professor of Sociology and Psychology, Candidate of Biological Sciences Olena Shakhova took part in the IV International Scientific Conference “Information and Innovation Technologies in the XXI Century” and made a report on “Innovations in Higher Education and Answer to the Challenges of the Modern World”