Online meeting with future applicants

Representatives of the Preparatory Department of the Faculty No. 6 held a regular online meeting with students, principals and teachers of secondary schools. The event was attended by students of Kharkiv secondary schools No. 101, No. 145, No. 140, No. 103, Lyceum No. 167, and Serpnevyi Lyceum of Valky City Council.

Digitalization of science and current trends in its development

The work of the scientific club "Actual Problems of Criminal Procedure, Criminalistics and Expertology" continues, within which scientific reports and articles are being prepared. Inna Blahadyr, a student of the Faculty No. 6, prepared abstracts on the topic "The use of footprints and footwear in the investigation of crimes"

Career guidance work in Kharkiv

An online meeting was held between teachers of Lyceum № 139 in Kharkiv and lecturers of the Department of Civil Law and Procedure - Associate Professors Yurii Chalyi, Ella Tverdokhlib, Tetiana Kyrychenko, Senior Lecturer Sofia Popova, Lecturer of the Department Mariia Naumenko - within the framework of a career guidance methodological seminar on the topic "Scientific work in schools, problems, ways of improvement".

Improving professional skills

Nataliia Kobylko, Associate Professor of the Department of Social Sciences and Humanities, Faculty № 6, Candidate of Philological Sciences, took part in a briefing on the results of the All-Ukrainian Scientific and Practical Correspondence Conference "Ukrainian Studies in the European Context". The event was organized by the public organization "Innovative Horizons of Ukraine".

Video lecture about the victims of the Holodomor of 1932-1933

A video lecture for higher education students of the Faculties No. 1, No. 4, and No. 6 of Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs, organized by the Department of Social and Humanitarian Work, was held by Andrii Khoptiar, a researcher at Kamianets-Podilskyi State Historical Museum-Reserve, Candidate of Historical Sciences.

Participation of KhNUIA representatives in the conference dedicated to the anniversary of the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child

Professor of the Department of Criminal Law and Criminology of the Faculty No. 6 Viacheslav Yemelianov and senior lecturer of the same department Yuliia Mytrofanova took part in the All-Ukrainian Scientific and Practical Conference "Ensuring the Principles of Respect, Protection and Realization of the Child's Right in the Digital Environment".

The scientific library of KhNUIA received gifts

On the eve of the 106th anniversary of the beginning of law enforcement training in Kharkiv, the Dean of Faculty No. 6, Doctor of Law Oksana Brusakova and the Head of the Department of Social and Humanitarian Disciplines, Professor Volodymyr Hrechenko presented books to the department of the scientific library in Kamianets-Podilskyi

University student Danylo Vahanov died defending his native land

Another painful loss in our university family. A student of the Faculty No. 6 of Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs Danylo Vahanov (born on December 08, 2002) was killed while performing his duty, defending Ukraine from the Russian aggressor.
He will forever be 20...
May he rest in peace!

Binary class for students of psychology

Associate Professors of the Department of Sociology and Psychology of the Faculty № 6 Olena Shakhova and Iryna Zhdanova conducted a binary lesson for higher education students majoring in Psychology within the disciplines of Psychotherapy and Psychocorrection and Crisis Psychology.

Practice of acquiring skills in using the "Electronic Court" system

Senior Lecturer of the Department of Civil Law and Procedure of the Faculty No. 6 Hanna Hofeld and Senior Laboratory Assistant of the same department Yuliia Tutova, within the framework of the implementation of the memorandum between KhNUIA and Kharkiv Regional Bar Council, held a training and practical event for lawyers to acquire skills in using the Electronic Court system.