Applicants of KhNUIA are taking part in a series of online seminars on writing scientific articles in English

Within the framework of the EGOVLOC project, a seminar, dedicated to the first stage of scientific research, namely, the choice of relevant topics and the formulation of research questions, was held.

Video conference for attendees of the advanced training courses with the participation of acting community police officers

A video conference was held with the participation of current community police officers of Rivne and Khmelnytsk regions and students of the advanced training courses of Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs, specialization of district police officers assigned to the police stations of the united territorial communities.

The Training of the Community Police Officers has begun at KhNUIA

Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs has started specialization courses for district police officers assigned to the police stations of the united territorial communities.

KhNUIA has launched the implementation of Horizon 2020 EQUALS-EU project “European Regional Partnership on Gender Equality in the Digital Age”

The project is based on the EU Gender Equality Strategy 2020-2025, which envisions the creation of Europe as a place where both women and men are equal, where diversity is a recognized asset for the economy and society. However, an effective mechanism for strategy implementation to eliminate gender inequality and implement non-discriminatory practices has not been developed yet.

Community Police Officer

The selection of candidates from among the police officers who submitted applications for participation in the project “Community Police Officer” began at Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs.


Сommunity Police Officers of Kharkiv Region received service vehicles (VIDEO)

Certificates and keys to the service vehicles were given to the leaders and police officers of the united territorial communities of Kharkiv Region in the frameworks  "Community Police Officer" project.

Сommunity Police Officers of Kharkiv Region received service vehicles
Community police officers received certificates of completion of training and internships

Police officers were awarded with the certificates of completion of training and internships in the specialization program of the district police officers assigned to the united communities after the ceremonial  events within the project "Community Police Officer".

ANNOUNCEMENT for the media! Community Police Officers of Kharkiv Region will receive service vechicles

The transfer of the vechicles will take place on February, 20  within the frameworks of the "Community Police Officer" project.

The management of the National Police of Ukraine, international partners, heads of the National Police' units, representatives of Regional authorities and local governments will take part in the delivery of the certificates and keys of service vehicles to the heads and police officers of the united territorial communities of Kharkiv Region.


"Community Police Officer" Project

The presentation of the project "Community Police Officer" took place at Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs. This is the next step in the reform of the National Police, aimed at security and protection of people.