Employees of the University were awarded at the meeting of the Academic Council

In Kharkov National University of Internal Affairs was held a meeting of the Academic Council, which was conducted by Deputy Head of the Academic Council, First Vice-Rector Serhii Bortnyk with the participation of Academician of the National Academy of Legal Sciences of Ukraine Oleksandr Bandurka and Corresponding Member of the Academy Serhii Husarov. A number of issues were discussed at the meeting, which related to educational, scientific activities of the University and, in addition, employees of the University were awarded.

Research and Practice Conference “Topical Issues of the Modern Science in Researches of the Young Scientists”

Research and Practice Conference “Topical Issues of the Modern Science in Researches of the Young Scientists” will be held in extramural and remote mode on May 15, 2020 (according to the decision of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine dated May 4, 2020 on the extension of quarantine measures till May 22, 2020). 

International scientific and practical conference "AVIATION, INDUSTRY, SOCIETY" will take place in a virtual space.

International scientific and practical conference "AVIATION, INDUSTRY, SOCIETY" will take place in a virtual space on May, 14th, 2020 (according to the Decision of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine of May 04, 2020, which extended the quarantine until May 22 , 2020). 


Impact of quarantine measures on the mechanisms of combating domestic violence in Ukraine

Lecturer of the Department of Legal Disciplines of Sumy Branch of Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs Tsvitana Baranova participated in the II International Scientific Conference "International forum: problems and scientific solutions".

ХХІ International Students’ Scientific and Practical Conference in Foreign Languages “PREVENTION AND COUNTERACTION TO VIOLENCE IN THE SOCIETY (foreign experience)” will take place in a virtual space.

ХХІ International Students’ Scientific and Practical Conference in Foreign Languages “PREVENTION AND COUNTERACTION TO VIOLENCE IN THE SOCIETY (foreign experience)” will take place on April 9, 2020 in a virtual space according to the Decision of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine of March 25, 2020, which extended the quarantine for 30 days until April 24. 


International Scientific Conference “IDENTITY, SOCIETY, LAW” dedicated to the memory of the Professor S.P. Bocharova will take place in a virtual space

International Scientific Conference “IDENTITY, SOCIETY, LAW” dedicated to the memory of the Professor S.P. Bocharova will take place on April 24, 2020  in a virtual space according to the Decision of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine of March 25, 2020, which extended the quarantine for 30 days until April 24. 


Representatives of EUAM Field Office in Kharkiv City and Kharkiv Office of UN Monitoring Mission on Human Rights have conducted workshops on human rights for cadets and students of KhNUIA

Representatives of European Union Advisory Mission Field Office in Kharkiv City Saer Ammar and Vladyslava Irinieieva and representatives of Kharkiv Office of UN Monitoring Mission on Human Rights Krasimir Yankov and Serhii Shtukarin have conducted a number of workshops on human rights for cadets and students of the University.

The issue of the Amnesty Institute was considered at a session of the scientific team

An extended session of the scientific team of the Department of Theory and History of the State and Law of the Faculty No. 1 was held within the framework of the All-Ukrainian Law Week. The session was attended by the Head of the Department Ihor Logvynenko, Acting Head of the Department of Scientific Work Organization Volodymyr Chumak, Vice-Dean for teaching and methodological work of the Faculty № 2 Serhii Hirenko, teachers of the Department and cadets - members of the scientific team.

Conference in Drug Policy #DRUGSTRATEGYUA

The discussion of the current Strategy of Ukraine’s drug policy for the years of 2017-2020 and the new concept “Strategy of Ukraine's drug policy 2020-2030”, which provides the implementation of a balanced policy on psychoactive substances was held in Kyiv. The event was organized by the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC), the Ministry of Health, the Ministry of the Interior, the Ministry of Justice and the National Police. During the conference participants learned about the experience of the Republic of Belarus and the Republic of Moldova in this sphere.

Rector Dmytro Shvets Participated in the Meeting of Rectors of Higher Educational Institutions of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine

The meeting of Rectors of higher educational institutions of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine was held. Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs was represented by Dmytro Shvets, the Rector of the institution, Mykhailo Burdin and Anatolii Klochko, Vice-Rectors.