A meeting of the scientific circle of the Criminal Procedure, Forensic Science and Expertise Department of the Faculty №6 of the KhNUIA

A meeting of the scientific circle of the Criminal Procedure, Forensic Science and Expertise Department of the Faculty №6 of Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs took place.

We study grammatical difficulties of the English language

The first meeting of the Student Scientific Society was held at the Department of Foreign Languages, Faculty № 1 of Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs. The leader of the Society, senior lecturer of the department Tetiana Kalchenko acquainted the participants with the Regulations of the Society and the work plan for the academic year.

International scientific conference ""Citius, Altius, Fortius!": The phenomenon of sport in literature and culture"

Natalia Kobylko, Senior Lecturer of the Social Sciences and Humanities Department, Candidate of Philology, took part in the international scientific conference "Citius, Altius, Fortius!": The phenomenon of sports in literature and culture", which took place at Berdyansk Pedagogical University.

Scientific circle meeting Department of Legal Support and Economic Activity of the faculty № 6

Scientific circle meeting Department of Legal Support and Economic Activity of the faculty № 6, which was attended by 3rd year students studying in the educational-professional program 072 "Finance,Banking and Insurance" (financial security and financial investigations), was devoted to academic integrity.

University Staff Awards

A regular meeting of the Academic Council was held at Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs. The Deputy Chief - Chief of the Investigation Department in Kharkiv region, Colonel of Police Serhii Chyzh took part in it. At the beginning of the meeting Rector of the University, Colonel of Police Dmytro Shvets awarded the University staff.

Session of the Student Scientific Circle of the Department of Law Enforcement and Police Studies, Faculty №6

The session of the Student Scientific Circleof the Department of Law Enforcement and Police Studies of Faculty № 6 was held. The Head of the Department, Candidate of Law, Associate Professor Iryna Panova outlined the organizational issues of the scientific circle.

The meeting of the Student Scientific Circle in Psychology of the Department of Sociology and Psychology, Faculty № 6

The meeting of Student Scientific Circle in Psychology of the Department of Sociology and Psychology of Faculty № 6 was held under the leadership of Associate Professor Olena Shakhova. Members of the scientific circle studied the Regulations on the Student Scientific Circle.

XI World Congress "Aviation in the XXI Century" - "Aviation Safety and Space Technology"

Olena Tsymbalistova, Chair of the Cycle Commission of Economics and Management, Candidate of Economic Sciences, took part in the XI World Congress "Aviation in the XXI Century" - "Aviation Safety and Space Technology" that took place at the National Aviation University in Kyiv.

The meeting of the Student Scientific Circle of the Department of Legal Support of Economic Activity, Faculty № 6

Students and Master's degree students learned about the Regulations on the Student Scientific Circle at Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs. They discussed and approved the plan, set priorities in students’ scientific research.

The meeting of the Scientific Council of the Sumy branch of KHNUIA took place

A regular meeting of the Academic Council took place in the Sumy branch of the Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs. At the beginning of the work, the director of the Sumy branch, Doctor of Law, Professor Serhiy Lukash presented awards to the employees and cadets.