Oleksandr Kushchev, a member of the Department of International Cooperation, listened to an expert online discussion on the topic “NATO reflection process: vision for Ukraine” on the ZOOM platform. It was attended by Vineta Kleine, the Director of NATO Information and Documentation Center in Ukraine, Mark Voyger, Senior Research Fellow of the Center for European Policy Analysis (CEPA), USA, Yurii Temirov, Dean of the History Department of Vasyl Stus Donetsk National University (Vinnytsia, Ukraine). Audrus Skystis, the President of the Lithuanian Association of the Atlantic Treaty, Daniel Szeligowski, Head of the Eastern European Program of the Polish Institute of International Relations, Professor of Uzhorod National University and Ihor Todorov, Director of the Center for International Security and Euro-Atlantic Integration.

During the event, the issues of prospects for Euro-Atlantic integration were discussed, a lively discussion on the importance of Ukraine's cooperation with NATO was held, and the conditions and stages of the countries' accession to NATO were discussed. The foreign experts also shared their views and experiences on cooperation with NATO countries and wished further fruitful cooperation.