Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs. "Knowledge. Law. Honor"

Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs is a powerful center of higher education and research of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine. The latest technologies are being introduced into the training system for the National Police in accordance with all international standards.

Together we are strong

Since the beginning of the war, Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs was forced to relocate to other regions of Ukraine to preserve its staff and continue training new police officers for the Security and Defence Forces. Volunteer work has become an important part of the university's life during this difficult time - an essential and responsible mission, an incredible impulse of mercy and nobility. The university staff is convinced that with every good deed we are one step closer to the coveted Victory.

Practical training for cadets

Practical training was held for the university cadets, during which they worked out their individual skills, as well as coordination and tactics in small tactical groups for the dynamic assault of engineering fortifications of a potential enemy. The small tactical group of police officers performed reconnaissance, covert movement to the position, dynamic assault of fortifications, use of firearms, munitions and camouflage, and UAV operations in cooperation with the ground team.