NGO ''Vzayemopomich'' шукає 6 учасників(-ць), включаючи лідера(ку) групи, для участі у молодіжному обміні "Youth Workers = Critical Thinkers" , що відбудеться 7-15 квітня in Zakopane, Poland.

We live in a global world, in the era of the Internet and social media, and above all in the era of information.

In the past, a man was looking for information, today information looking for a man. Every day we are

bombarded by pieces of information through various means of communication, SMS, email, social networking

sites (Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Youtube, TikTok). Until recently, it seemed to us that we all somehow

filter information and instead of reacting emotionally, we think. Unfortunately, the reactions of people

(especially young people) in social media and in various social groups show that although critical thinking is

not a new concept, it still causes many difficulties.

The objectives of the project are:

- increasing the knowledge of youth workers on the mechanisms of the appearance of false

information on well-known social media platforms (such as Facebook, Instagram, Tik Tok)

- discovering the reasons for the lack of critical thinking competencies among young people

- development of skills and competencies of critical thinking and their use to receive media messages

among youth workers -systematization of knowledge about the information society

- exploring knowledge about the risks of using the Internet for young people

- facilitating the exchange of experiences among youth workers

- overthrowing stereotypes and bias among project participants


- Молодь 18+

- Зі знанням англійської мови;

- Можливість виїхати за кордон, або перебуваючи вже за кордоном;

Проект фінансується програмою Erasmus +, яка охоплює:

- 100% витрат на харчування, проживання;

- 100% проїзду до місця проведення і назад (якщо витрати не перевищують ліміт 275 євро).

Внесок за проект - 1200 грн. (після того, як вас затвердили організатори).

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до 3-го лютого 23:59.
