Workshop on the organization of the educational process
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Rector of Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs Valerii Sokurenko with the participation of vice-rectors of the university - Serhii Bortnyk, Mykhailo Burdin and Anatolii Klochko- held a working meeting with deans of faculties, heads of departments on organization of educational process of cadets and students after winter vacations and lockdown.

Selection of experts by the National Agency for Quality Assurance in Higher Education
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Professor of the Department of Theory and History of State and Law of the Faculty № 1 Doctor of Law, Professor Dmytro Slynko was invited to study within the selection of experts by the National Agency for Quality Assurance in Higher Education for the accreditation of educational programs.

Meeting of curators of the Legal Clinic of KhNUIA
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A meeting of curators of the Legal Clinic of KhNUIA was held, dedicated to the planning of work for the second semester of the 2020-2021 academic year. The event was attended by the teachers of faculties №№ 1–4, who joined the staff of the Legal Clinic. An online conference to curators working in the distance was also held during the meeting.

Museum online lecture "History of training of police cynologists in Kharkiv region"
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Director of the Museum of Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs Andrii Prokhorov with the participation of Associate Professor of Department of Police Activity and Public Administration Vadym Seliukov held a museum online lecture on "History of training police cynologists in Kharkiv region" for the cadets of the faculty № 3.

We continue to improve our skills
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Associate Professor of the Department of Ukrainian Studies, Faculty № 2 Viktoriia Pertseva took a distance learning course "Effective and convenient organization of distance learning through innovative tests."

The quality of teaching is a key element of educational quality
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Olha Bezpalova, Head of the Department of Police Activity and Public Administration of the Faculty No.3, took an online course “Strengthening teaching and organizational management at universities” through the platform of mass open online courses Prometheus.
Senior Lecturer of the Department of Foreign Languages took part in the international online master class
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A senior lecturer of the Department of Foreign Languages ​​of Faculty №1 of Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs Nataliia Krasnova took part in the international online master class "Inverted Classroom" that took place within the educational project "Cyberpedagogue".

A new series of webinars has started from the EUAM Field Office in Kharkiv
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Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs hosted a webinar on “Romanian Criminal Investigator Model”. The webinar was conducted in English with consecutive translation into Ukrainian. The main speaker of the event was Liviu Velicea, Adviser / Trainer on Community Policing of EU Field Office in Kharkiv.

Representatives of the Department of Police Activity and Public Administration took an online course on bullying counteraction
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Representatives of the scientific and pedagogical staff of the Department of Police Activity and Public Administration of the Faculty No.3 took an online course “Countering and preventing bullying (harassment) in educational institutions” through the platform of mass open online courses Prometheus.

Representatives of the research laboratory of KhNUIA took part in the I International Scientific Conference on Interdisciplinary Research
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Zakhar Demydov, Oleh Kolmyk, Mykola Mordvyntsev, the staff of the Research Laboratory on the Issues of Information Technologies Development of Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs took part in the I International Scientific Conference on Interdisciplinary Research, held in Berlin City (Germany).