University students got acquainted with the organization of work of the National Police units on prevention and counteraction to cases of domestic violence University students got acquainted with the organization of work of the National Police units on prevention and counteraction to cases of domestic violence

Associate Professor of Law Enforcement and Police Mykola Holub and the officers of the Ukrainian National Police conducted a binary lecture "The organization of work in the National Police to prevent and combat domestic violence" for the students of Faculty № 6. 

Judge of Kharkiv City District Court met the students-consultants of Law Clinic at Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs Judge of Kharkiv City District Court met the students-consultants of Law Clinic at Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs

Judge of Lozova City District Court in Kharkiv region, Candidate of Legal Sciences, Lecture of the National School of Judges of Ukraine Oleksii Popov met students-consultants of Law Clinic of the University.

An exhibition dedicated to the 130th anniversary of the Queen of Detective Novels Agatha Christie opened at the University Museum An exhibition dedicated to the 130th anniversary of the Queen of Detective Novels Agatha Christie opened at the University Museum

First-year law- enforcement students of group 2, faculty №6  and senior lecturer of the Department of Social Sciences and Humanities, Candidate of Philology Natalia Kobylko visited an  exhibition dedicated to the 130th anniversary of the English writer, the most famous representative of the detective genre -  Agatha Christie.

Peculiarities of law-enforcers’ official- business style of speech Peculiarities of law-enforcers’ official- business style of speech

On the occasion of the European Day of Languages, senior lecturer of the Department of Ukrainian Studies, Faculty № 2, Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences Inna Holopych and the Community Support Officer of the Prevention Sector in Donetsk region Elizaveta Rudenko held a binary lesson for the cadets of faculty № 4, group 103 "Peculiarities of official- business style of speech of law enforcement officers".

Scientific Communication in the Digital Age Scientific Communication in the Digital Age

Researcher of the Research Department of Kremenchug Flight College of Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs, Candidate in Physical and Mathematical Sciences Oleksandr Bazyk completed an online course "Scientific communication in the digital age."


The meeting of the Student Scientific Circle in Psychology of the Department of Sociology and Psychology, Faculty № 6 The meeting of the Student Scientific Circle in Psychology of the Department of Sociology and Psychology, Faculty № 6

The meeting of Student Scientific Circle in Psychology of the Department of Sociology and Psychology of Faculty № 6 was held under the leadership of Associate Professor Olena Shakhova. Members of the scientific circle studied the Regulations on the Student Scientific Circle.

XI World Congress "Aviation in the XXI Century" - "Aviation Safety and Space Technology" XI World Congress

Olena Tsymbalistova, Chair of the Cycle Commission of Economics and Management, Candidate of Economic Sciences, took part in the XI World Congress "Aviation in the XXI Century" - "Aviation Safety and Space Technology" that took place at the National Aviation University in Kyiv.

The meeting of the Student Scientific Circle of the Department of Legal Support of Economic Activity, Faculty № 6 The meeting of the Student Scientific Circle of the Department of Legal Support of Economic Activity, Faculty № 6

Students and Master's degree students learned about the Regulations on the Student Scientific Circle at Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs. They discussed and approved the plan, set priorities in students’ scientific research.

Participation of a representative of Kremenchug Flight College in the scientific online internship "Academic Integrity" held in Warsaw Participation of a representative of Kremenchug Flight College in the scientific online internship

Maryna Petchenko, Candidate of Economic Sciences, Head of the Research Department of Kremenchug Flight College of Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs, completed an online scientific internship on "Academic Integrity" organized by the Polish-Ukrainian Foundation "Institute of International Academic and Scientific Cooperation" on the base of Higher Theological Seminary (UKSW) in Warsaw, Poland.

How to proceed: communities on sustainable development How to proceed: communities on sustainable development

Natalia Dovbysh, Inspector of the Research Department of Kremenchug Flight College of Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs, completed a course on the topic "How to proceed: communities for sustainable development" on "VUM on-line" civic distance learning platform.