A meeting of the Pedagogical Council took place in Kremenchug Flight College A meeting of the Pedagogical Council took place in Kremenchug Flight College

A scheduled meeting of the Pedagogical Council of the Kremenchug Flight College of the Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs took place. The results of the university admissions process in 2020 and others were summed up. 

Cooperation with the higher educational institution of Poland Cooperation with the higher educational institution of Poland

Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs signed a Declaration on Cooperation with the Pomeranian Academy in Slupsk (Poland), which opens new opportunities for  the university.

University staff master the features of working with the scientometric database Web of Science University staff master the features of working with the scientometric database Web of Science

Proper organization of research in the modern system of higher education is impossible without the formation of the basic knowledge, skills and abilities in the use of international scientometric databases and adherence to the principles of academic integrity and prevention of plagiarism among scientific staff of higher education institutions.

Child safety on the Internet Child safety on the Internet

Natalia Dovbysh, Inspector of the Research Department of the Kremenchug Flight College of the Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs, successfully completed a course on "Child Safety on the Internet", developed by the Ministry of Digital Transformation of Ukraine on the National Online Platform on Digital Literacy.

Trainings on prevention and counteraction to domestic violence Trainings on prevention and counteraction to domestic violence

Professor of the Pedagogy and Psychology Department, Doctor of Psychological Sciences, Associate Professor Natalia Miloradova conducted online the first of several planned trainings on preventing and combating domestic violence for instructors of the National Police training centers and teachers of the Ministry of Internal Affairs educational institutions.

First-year students visited the University museum First-year students visited the University museum

An excursion to the University Museum was held for the full-time students of the group F-6-FBI-dse-20-1, studying in the specialty 072 «Finance, Banking and Insurance» (financial security and financial investigations) by the curator of a group, an associate professors of the Department of Legal Support for Economic Activities, Victoria Fursa.

Certificate received from UISTEI on registered scientific event of Kremenchug Flight College Certificate received from UISTEI on registered scientific event of Kremenchug Flight College

The Scientific Department of the Kremenchug Flight College of the Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs prepared documents for the registration of a scientific event at the State Scientific Institution "Ukrainian Institute of Scientific and Technical Expertise and Information". On September 16, 2020, UISTEI received a Certificate № 391 on the registered II International Scientific and Practical Conference "Aviation, Industry, Society" with an entry in the newsletter "Plan for scientific, scientific and technical activities in Ukraine". The scientific event is scheduled at the college in May 12, 2021.

University cadets get acquainted with European standards of justice in the fight against cybercrime University cadets get acquainted with European standards of justice in the fight against cybercrime

Roman Orlov and Tetyana Frolova, cadets of the Faculty of № 4 (cyberpolice) of Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs, take part in the International Autumn Law School 2020 "Fighting Cybercrime in Accordance with European Standards of Justice", organized by the European Law Association with the support of the European Justice Project».

A meeting of the scientific group of the Department of Criminal Law and Criminology was held A meeting of the scientific group of the Department of Criminal Law and Criminology was held

A meeting of the scientific group of the Department of Criminal Law and Criminology of the Faculty № 6 was held under the leadership of Iryna Lutsenko. During the meeting, the new members of the scientific group got acquainted with the provisions of the scientific group and the scientific society of cadets and students of Kharkiv National University of
Internal Affairs. 

Training for journalists “Three aspects of journalists’ safety: digital, legal and private” (video) Training for journalists  “Three aspects of journalists’ safety: digital, legal and private” (video)

Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs, in cooperation with the Kharkiv Press Club, hosted a training for journalists "Three aspects of journalist’ safety: digital, legal and private". During the training events, representatives of print and electronic media of Donetsk, Luhansk (territories under the control of Ukraine), Poltava, Sumy and Kharkiv regions obtained a lot of interesting and useful information that will be useful to them in their professional activities.