A training course on community policing was held in the university

With the assistance of the European Union Advisory Mission, the Kharkov National University of Internal Affairs conducted a training course on community policing, in which representatives of the patrol police and district inspectors from the Lugansk and Donetsk regions took part.
The representatives of GSS Company (USA) visited KNUIA

The Kharkov National University of Internal Affairs was visited by representatives of the company "Giuliani Security and Safety" GSS (USA) John P. Yuvein, George Boyle, Sebastian Cruz, Clifford Eider. The purpose of the visit to the educational institution was to get acquainted with the process of training of the police officers of the National Police. It should be noted that the company GSS (USA), headed by John P. Yuvein - the former Head of police in New York, specializes in the security of the city, so the delegation has plans of conducting a series of meetings with representatives of the Kharkiv police and giving some recommendations.
The University in the Light of Scientometrical Indicators

Those who want to meet the global tendencies of developing “science without borders”, scholars of Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs responded to the initiative of the
department of scientific work organization and with the participation of the
library and
informational and technology department of the University complete personal profiles in the search system Google Scholar. Nowadays, based on the portal “Bibliometrics of Ukrainian Science”, according to the number of profiles created by scholars of Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs (332 accounts as of October 7, 2016) the University is ranked 18th in the ranking of “Top 20 Institutions by the Number of Bibliometric Profiles of Scholars”.
Train the trainer

From 8 to 12 August 2016 at the Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs passed the course "Train the trainer". These classes were conducted by experienced professionals, trainers from the UK, who are retired police officers - Peter Wilson and William Breym. They are advisors/trainers on Community Policing of EU Advisory Mission. The project was also attended by two trainers from Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs.