Never Again Never AgainOn the 9th of May Day of Victory over Nazism in Europe is being celebrated in Ukraine. At the Memorial of Glory laying flowers measurement took place. The event was attended by heads of state and local government Kharkiv region, representatives of political and public organizations, law enforcement, veterans, members of ATO, the residents of Kharkiv region.
Measures on the Occasion of the 30th Anniversary of the Chernobyl Accident were Held at KHNUIA Measures on the Occasion of the 30th Anniversary of the Chernobyl Accident were Held at KHNUIASolemn events devoted for the 30th anniversary of the Chernobyl accident, as well as competitions on fire-applied sport, took place.
EU Advisory Mission representatives visited the university EU Advisory Mission representatives visited the university National University of Internal Affairs was attended by representatives of the EU Advisory Mission, Kęstutis Lančinskas, Eric Johansen, Udo Moller, Stanislav Bezovski, Daniel Farrell and Marina Budnik, Hohhin Ronan, Simon Presekar. They met the rector of the university police colonel Valerii Sokurenko and representatives of the administration. At the meeting were discussed questions related to the search of new fields and forms of cooperation. Representatives of the mission presented the renewed mandate of the EU Advisory Mission and described the current activities of the organization.
The President of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko attended the National University of Internal Affairs The President of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko attended the National University of Internal AffairsThe President of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko attended University on a working visit. Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary USA Ambassador to Ukraine Geoffrey R. Pyatt, Khatia Dekanoidze Head of the National Police and  Head of Kharkiv Regional State Administration Igor Raynin visited the University together with the President of Ukraine. Guests met the Rector of the university colonel of police Valerii Sokurenko.
Future cyber policemen started their education at the university Future cyber policemen started their education at the university Primary professional training for cyberpolice unites began at the university. More than 130 person from almost every ukrainian region will get new specialties of an information technology agent or cyberpolice inspector.
OFFICIAL VISIT OF THE AMBASSADOR OF CANADA TO THE UNIVERSITY OFFICIAL VISIT OF THE AMBASSADOR OF CANADA TO THE UNIVERSITY Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs was attended by the Ambassador of Canada to Ukraine Roman Vashchuk. He was accompanied by the Assistant Ambassador of Canada to Ukraine Irina Lavriv and Advisor for Business Development Commercial Section of the Embassy of Canada in Ukraine Yuri Mardaka. The purpose of the visit – is to get acquainted and to monitor the training process of the candidates to Kharkiv patrol police.
UNIVERSITY WAS ATTENDED BY THE MONITOR OF THE OSCE UNIVERSITY WAS ATTENDED BY THE MONITOR OF THE OSCEAugust 20, 2015 Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs visited Monitor of the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe of the Special Monitoring Mission to Ukraine James N. Speros.
THE PRIME MINISTER OF UKRAINE, THE MINISTER OF INTERNAL AFFAIRS OF UKRAINE, THE MINISTER OF JUSTICE OF UKRAINE, THE FIRST DEPUTY MINISTER OF INTERNAL AFFAIRS OF UKRAINE VISITED THE UNIVERSITY THE PRIME MINISTER OF UKRAINE, THE MINISTER OF INTERNAL AFFAIRS OF UKRAINE, THE MINISTER OF JUSTICE OF UKRAINE, THE FIRST DEPUTY MINISTER OF INTERNAL AFFAIRS OF UKRAINE VISITED THE UNIVERSITYIn the frame of the working visit to Kharkiv the Prime Minister of Ukraine Arsenii Yatseniuk, the Minister of Internal Affairs of Ukraine Arsen Avakov, the Minister of Justice of Ukraine Pavel Petrenko and the First Deputy Minister of Internal Affairs of Ukraine Eka Zguladze attended Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs. The Government officials visited the training police station and forensic testing ground, where future police officers train their skills in specialized classrooms, the conditions of which are very close to real work.
THE REPRESENTATIVE OF THE US DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE ROBERT PEACOCK VISITED THE UNIVERSITY THE REPRESENTATIVE OF THE US DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE ROBERT PEACOCK VISITED THE UNIVERSITYProject Manager of International Program for the training of criminal investigation agencies (ICITAP) of the Department of Justice of the USA Robert Peacock visited Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs. He met with the leading staff of the University, got acquainted with the logistics of the educational establishment, visited the specialized classrooms, training police station, forensic testing ground, sports and training halls, library, museum, etc.
REPRESENTATIVES OF THE EU ADVISORY MISSION ONCE AGAIN VISITED THE UNIVERSITY REPRESENTATIVES OF THE EU ADVISORY MISSION ONCE AGAIN VISITED THE UNIVERSITYRepresentatives of the Regional Department of the EU Advisory Mission Stanislav Bezovski, Pekka Hyuyutiaynen and Ondrej Vosatka visited Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs. The purpose of the visit – is to consolidate existing contacts established during previous meetings and discuss opportunities for communication projects.