Cadet of the University is a Prize Winner of Championship of Ukraine on Sambo Cadet of the University is a Prize Winner of Championship of Ukraine on SamboCadet of 2nd year of Faculty of training specialists for investigation departments of Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs Vladislav Rudnev occupied the first place in the weight category up to 74 kg and joined the squad for Ukraine participation in the European Championship of Ukraine among Junior on sambo held in Kiev.
Cadets of the University are Prize Winners of Tournament on Thai Boxing The 3rd All-Ukrainian tournament of Thai boxing in memory of Ivan Golovkin held in Kharkiv, which was attended by athletes of Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs.
Representatives of the EU Advisory Mission Visited the University Representatives of the EU Advisory Mission Visited the UniversityRepresentatives of EU Regional Advisory mission Udo Moller, Stanislav Bezovskyi and Daniel Farrell visited Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs. The purpose of their visit was to consolidate existing contacts established during previous trips, and chairman of the regional department Recommend to a position for which Udo Moller.