Together we are strong!
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The cadets of the Faculties No. 1 and No. 4 of KhNUIA took part in the competition in general physical training of power extreme "Bogatyrski Games", which was held among the law enforcement agencies of Kamianets-Podilskyi, Khmelnytskyi region.

Training on countering violence
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Kateryna Mannapova, Associate Professor of the Department of Sociology and Psychology of the Faculty № 6 of Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs, conducted a training on combating violence at the JSF Poland seminar for JFS and Pushke employees. During the training, the associate professor introduced the problem of violence against women and children, namely the types, causes, manifestations and consequences.

Curatorial hour "Pedestrian safety"
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Larysa Sazanova, senior lecturer of the Department of Foreign Languages of the Faculty No. 4, curator of group 101, and Tetiana Kalchenko, lecturer of the same department, curator of group 103, held preventive talks with cadets about the duties and rights of pedestrians and vehicle drivers, and about responsibility for violating traffic rules.

Career guidance meeting with future graduates
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Tetiana Hudz, Head of the Department of Constitutional and International Law of the Faculty № 4 of Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs, Oksana Melnychuk, Associate Professor of the Department of Social and Economic Disciplines of the Faculty № 2, Liliia Zhyronkina, a leading specialist of the Faculty № 1, and university cadets held four events with students of Kosiv Lyceum № 2 named after Mykhailo Pavlyk, Kosiv Lyceum named after Ihor Pelipeiko, Pistyn Lyceum, and Starokosiv Lyceum.

FC "Univer Dynamo" became the winner of the mini-football tournament in memory of the fallen police officers of the KORD unit
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The Main Department of the National Police in Vinnytsia region has launched a mini-football tournament dedicated to the memory of the fallen officers of the KORD special police unit.

The leadership and staff of the Department of Education, Science and Sports of the Ministry of Internal Affairs congratulate scientists of the MIA system on the 27th Science Day in Ukraine
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Ukraine is in a state of continuous development, even despite Russia's large-scale armed aggression, and needs to systematically realize all the scientific potential that has been accumulated since independence. Science is a key tool for progress in society and the world at large.

Congratulations of the Rector of KhNUIA Valerii Sokurenko on the Day of Science in Ukraine
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Dear colleagues! I congratulate you on your professional holiday - Science Day in Ukraine! Today, when the Russian aggression against Ukraine continues, when our people are fighting for independence, integrity, sovereignty and freedom, the role of science has increased significantly. In modern world, intellectual resources are the main driver of state defense and society development.

Congratulations of Oleksiy Lytvynov, Director of the Department of Science and Education of KhRMA, on the Day of Science in Ukraine
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Dear scientific community! I sincerely congratulate the scientists of Kharkiv region who today demonstrate to Ukraine and the whole world their reinforced concrete invincibility! In the face of the aggressor's devastating wave, you not only did not give up, but you continue research in the field of defense capabilities, basic science, defend Ukraine with arms in hand, and volunteer.

University students took part in city events
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The cadets of the Faculties No. 1 and No. 4 of Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs took part in the celebrations dedicated to the Day of Kamianets-Podilskyi. The audience of the festive concert greeted the singing talents of the university with sincere applause.

Virtual exhibition dedicated to the Day of Science in Ukraine
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On the occasion of the Day of Science in Ukraine, the library has prepared a virtual exhibition "Scientific achievements of KhNUIA scientists", which presents the scientific achievements of university scientists. Congratulations to the scientists of KhNUIA, as well as all the scientists who are at the front and defending our Motherland, on the Day of Science in Ukraine! Victory, creative inspiration and new scientific achievements, dear scientists!