University cadets joined the flash mob "With Ukraine in Heart"
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On the occasion of the Day of Dignity and Freedom, cadets of Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs, together with graduates of higher education from other educational institutions, students of schools and lyceums, participants of adolescent and youth associations, joined the city flash mob "With Ukraine in Heart". Almost 300 people took part in the event, who all together created a "living" map of Ukraine.

Valerii Sokurenko, Rector of KhNUIA: "In the struggle, our Ukrainian nation becomes stronger, unites around the idea of ​​statehood"
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The Day of Dignity and Freedom was celebrated at Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs with a ceremonial line-up. This national holiday is extremely important for every Ukrainian. Its purpose is to confirm the aspirations of the citizens of Ukraine for democracy, justice, and freedom and to approve the movement towards the future in Europe.

Day of Dignity and Freedom: cadets of Sumy branch of KhNUIA put flowers at the monument to the Heroes of the Heavenly Hundred
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On November 21, all Ukrainians remember the turbulent events of the Revolution of Dignity and pay tribute to the patriotism and courage of compatriots who defended democratic values ​​in the fall of 2004 and in 2013-2014.

Lectures for cadets on academic integrity
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Kateryna Maravska, Ph.D., Senior Researcher of the Department of Organization of Scientific Work of the Department of Organization of Scientific Activity and Protection of Intellectual Property, conducted a series of video lectures for cadets of Faculties No. 1 and No. 4 on issues of compliance with the principles and rules of academic integrity at Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs.

The preparatory department of KhNUIA has started classes
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On November 19, 2022, classes for future applicants began at the preparatory department of the Faculty No. 6 of KhNUIA. During eight months, students will prepare for admission to higher education institutions of Ukraine, in particular, Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs.

The cadets attended a variety concert of resistance music
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For students of higher education of Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs, the Department of Social and Humanitarian Work organized a visit to the concert "Kvartyrnyk z "Impromt"" held at Vinnytsia Regional Philharmonic named after M.D. Leontovych as part of the project "Territory of Resistance Music".

Road safety week
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From November 14 to 20, 2022, the II stage of the annual National Road Safety Week began in Ukraine as part of the implementation of the Second Decade of Road Safety Actions 2021-2030. This year's event is held under the slogan "Road Safety under Martial Law".

Results of the faculty tour of the competition on the occasion of the University's Foundation Day "History of Law Enforcement Bodies"
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In 2021, on the initiative of the founder of the university Oleksandr Bandurka and with the active support of the university rector Valerii Sokurenko, the university competition "History of Law Enforcement Bodies" was launched.

KhNUIA students received Gratitudes on the occasion of the International Students' Day
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At V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University the students of the city of Kharkiv were awarded on the occasion of the International Students' Day. The event was attended by heads of higher education institutions, student self-government of educational institutions, including representatives of Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs, headed by the vice-rector Serhii Bortnyk.

Participation in international trainings on effective acquisition of vocabulary and overcoming the language barrier in a foreign language
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Valentyna Pochuieva, associate professor of the Department of Foreign Languages ​​of the Faculty No. 4, took part in online trainings from Dinternal Education LLC: "Effective use of communicative exercises and types of work offered by modern authentic textbooks" and "Business Partner: the most effective course for mastering modern conversational business English".