Practical training on the assignment of forensic examinations during the investigation of war crimes
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As part of teaching the special course "Actions of investigative teams of the National Police of Ukraine on the documentation of war crimes on the de-occupied territories" for students of higher education of the Faculty No. 3, Professor of the Department of Criminology, Forensic Expertise and Pre-Medical Training of the Faculty No. 1 Oleksandr Yuhno conducted a practical session on the topic "Preparation and appointment of forensic experts during the investigation of war crimes on the de-occupied territories".

Information security under martial law
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At the Department of Social and Economic Disciplines, another meeting of the scientific group on the topic "Information security under martial law" was held in the format of an online video conference. The event was attended by students who worked on scientific works, the topics of which are tangential to the specified topic, participants of student conferences, members of the Department of Social and Economic Disciplines.

Issues of gender-based violence became the topic of the meeting of the scientific circle
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As part of the annual World Action "16 Days Against Violence", a thematic meeting of the scientific circle of the Department of Criminal Law and Criminology of the Faculty No. 1 was held. The participants of the meeting raised a number of scientific and applied problems related to criminal law and criminological means of combating domestic and gender-based violence in Ukraine.

KhNUIA team took 2nd place in the online stage of the All-Ukrainian anti-corruption moot court
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The "Sherlock's Trainees" team of the Faculty No. 1 presented Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs at the All-Ukrainian Anti-Corruption Moot Court. Among the 107 registered teams, 82 teams responded to the situational case from NABU and NAZK. "Sherlock's Trainees" entered the top ten and took 2nd place.

Problems of violence against women in the research of students of the scientific group of the Department of Criminal Procedure, Criminology and Expertology
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The next meeting of the scientific group of the Department of Criminal Procedure, Criminology and Expertology of the Faculty No. 6 of Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs was held in the Zoom conference mode and was dedicated to the "16 Days Against Violence" global action, which is held in Ukraine annually from November 25 to December 10.

A meeting of the scientific circle of the Department of Social and Economic Disciplines was held
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The cadets participating in the group prepared works on the management of the country's economic security, classification of measures to prevent corruption. On the occasion of the 300th anniversary of the birth of Hryhorii Skovoroda, the cadets made reports and presentations dedicated to the memory of the great philosopher citing parallels of his philosophy in modern conditions.

Video lecture for the 300th anniversary of the birth of Hryhorii Skovoroda
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For students of higher education, the Department of Social and Humanitarian Work conducted a video lecture "Actual Hryhorii Skovoroda". The story about the great Ukrainian philosopher began with an appeal to contemporary events, namely the destruction of Skovoroda National Literary and Memorial Museum in Kharkiv Oblast by a rocket attack.

The cadets practiced the actions of small tactical groups in conditions of intense fire contact
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The scientific and practical group of the Department of Tactical and Special Physical Training of TSP "SHCHYT" of Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs under the leadership of associate professors of the department Ihor Vlasenko, Tykhon Shevchenko and lecturer of the department Anna Tsyrkulienko conducted an on-site practical class.

A regular meeting of the Scientific and Methodological Council of KhNUIA was held
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The meeting was held by the first vice-rector of the university, Oleksandr Morhunov, with the participation of the vice-rector Mykhailo Burdin, university staff - members of the Scientific and Methodological Council. The issues of information support of the educational process with the electronic resources of the library; the state of organization of the educational process of foreign students in the 2022/2023 academic year, etc. were considered.

The Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine has launched an "Educational Marathon" dedicated to the fight against violence
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As part of the "16 Days Against Violence" global action, the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine prepared the concept of the online event "Educational Marathon", which includes a series of thematic lectures for cadets and students of higher education institutions of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.