University cadet Bohdan Moshenskyi won the right to participate in the Junior World Short Track Championship
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Junior Short Track Championship of Ukraine took place in Kharkiv, with the participation of Bohdan Moshenskyi, a cadet of the Faculty № 3 of Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs. He took III place in the 500-meter distance and II place in the 3,000-meter relay race. According to the results of the competition, cadet won the right to take part in Junior World Short Track Championship, which will be held in Hdansk (Poland).

Academic integrity and other criteria for improving the quality of scientific research
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Senior Researcher of the Department of Organization of Scientific Activities and Protection of Intellectual Property of Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs, Kateryna Maravska, took part in a webinar “Academic Integrity and other Criteria for Improving the Quality of Scientific Research”, organized by National Agency for Higher Education Quality Assurance.

Textbook "Legal regulation of administrative services (in schemes)" – received by the University Library
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Scientific Library of Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs received a new edition – "Legal regulation of administrative services (in schemes)": textbook. manual / Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine, Kharkiv. Nat. University of Internal Affairs; Ed. by Doctor of Legal Sciences, Prof., V.V. Sokurenko (O.V. Brusakova, K.O. Krut, I.V. Panova, etc.). - Kharkiv: KhNUIA, 2021.- 120 pp.

Representatives of Donetsk State University of Internal Affairs received certificates for participation in the academic mobility program
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On the basis of Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs 5 members of research and lecturing staff and 10 cadets of Donetsk State University of Internal Affairs during the week participated in the program of academic mobility between higher education institutions, which belong to the Ministry of Internal Affairs. 

Excursions around Kharkiv city for representatives of Donetsk State University of Internal Affairs
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An introductory tour of Kharkiv city was conducted for the scientific and lecturing staff and cadets of Donetsk State University of Internal Affairs, who became participants in the academic mobility program. The guests got acquainted with the history of our city, its symbols, and historical, cultural and architectural monuments, famous people whose name is strongly associated with the city.

Binary lesson on the course "Ukrainian language of professional orientation"
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Valentyna Vasylenko, Head of the Department of Humanitarian Disciplines of Sumy Branch of KhNUIA, together with representatives of Public Relations Sector of the Department of Patrol Police in Sumy region Oksana Krasovska and Maryna Horkovska, conducted a binary lesson for 1st year students on "Lawyer's Speech Culture in Professional Communicative Interaction".

Representatives of KhNUIA held a career guidance interview with graduates of Mariupol Technical Lyceum
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Representatives of KhNUIA: Associate Professor of the Department of Combating Cyber Security, Faculty № 4 Petro Klimushyn, Associate Professor of the Department of Labor and Economic Law of Faculty № 2 Olena Chornous and Professor of the Department of Legal Disciplines of Sumy Branch of KhNUIA Nataliia Horobets conducted career guidance work in Mariupol.

Lecturer of the department of social and economic disciplines of Sumy branch took part in the III International program of advanced training
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Associate Professor of the Department of Social and Economic Disciplines of Sumy Branch of Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs, Candidate of Economic Sciences Svitlana Petrovska during December 2021 - January 2022 participated in the III International Program of Advanced Training of heads of Educational and Scientific Institutions, as well as pedagogical and scientific and lecturing staff "Nobel Course: new knowledge, ideas, experience, values, competencies".

Participants of the School of Scientific Leadership of KhNUVS visited "Animal Treatment Center"
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Participants of the Center for Social Projects of the School of Scientific Leadership of KhNUIA 1st year cadets of the Faculty № 1 Volodymyr Ishchenko, Sofia Yareshchenko and Dmytro Osadchuk visited "Animal Treatment Center".

Participation in the implementation of the academic mobility program
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Within an academic mobility program between higher education institutions belonging to the sphere of management of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine, Head of the Department of Police Activity and Public Administration of the Faculty № 3 Police Colonel Olha Bezpalova held a working meeting with a Lecturer at the Department of Administrative and Legal Disciplines of the Faculty № 2 of Donetsk State University of Internal Affairs Senior Police Lieutenant Ivan Hozlu.