The Rector of the University took part in the events on the occasion of the Day of the State Flag of Ukraine
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Rector of Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs Valerii Sokurenko together with representatives of State authorities and local self-government took part in the solemn ceremony of raising the State Flag of Ukraine. The event took place on Serhiivska Square.

Symbol of the State, symbol of the people, symbol of Victory
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According to Art. 20 of the Constitution of Ukraine, one of the state symbols of Ukraine is the State Flag of Ukraine. Its colors symbolize certain ideas of national and
political and historical nature.

Events at the Memorial of Glory on the occasion of the 78th anniversary of the liberation of Kharkiv from Nazi invaders
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On August 23, Kharkiv residents celebrate the City Day. It was on this day, 1943, that Kharkiv was liberated from Nazi invaders. Every year, city residents honor the memory of those who were killed during World War II.

To the Day of the State Flag of Ukraine
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On the occasion of the Day of the State Flag of Ukraine, the library of Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs presents a book-illustrative exposition "Our Flag is our sacred amulet".

Lecture for cadets of the University on the occasion of the Day of the State Flag of Ukraine
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On the occasion of the Day of the State Flag of Ukraine, the Department of Social and Humanitarian Work organized a thematic video lecture for first-year cadets of
Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs. The lecture was delivered by the Head of Kharkiv Historical Museum Kostiantyn Dubin and was accompanied by a

Employees and cadets of the University are on duty protecting public order on holidays
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Employees and cadets of Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs as part of Kharkiv police garrison ensure public safety and law and order on the streets of
Kharkiv in pre-holiday and public holidays. Before entering the service, the Vice-Rector of the University, Police Colonel Serhii Bortnyk, instructed the personnel.

Happy holiday, Kharkiv! (VIDEO)
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Kharkiv is an unforgettable city that amazes everyone, who has visited here at least once in their life. Today it is a modern metropolis that combines original traditions
and innovations, has a centuries-old glorious history. Kharkiv is majestic,extremely beautiful, European, revived due to the dedicated and hard work of its residents. Happiness, peace and good to you, hometown! We love you so much!

First-year students got acquainted with the book and illustrative exposition "Only one Ukraine in the world"
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On the occasion of the national holiday, the 30th anniversary of Independence of Ukraine, the library of Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs held a
presentation of the book and illustrative exhibition "Only one Ukraine in the world" for first-year cadets of the Faculty № 2.

On the eve of the 30th anniversary of Independence of Ukraine, celebrations took place at Kremenchuk Flight College
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On the eve of the 30th anniversary of the Independence of Ukraine, a holiday concert took place at Kremenchuk Flight College. The director of the college Ruslan
Yakovlev addressed the audience with congratulations. He awarded diplomas and letters of thanks from the Kremenchuk City Council, Kharkiv National University
of Internal Affairs and Kremenchuk Flight College to the best employees. Famous vocalists and musicians from Kremenchuk took part in the holiday concert.

To the Independence Day of Ukraine
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On the occasion of the national holiday - the 30th anniversary of the Independence of Ukraine, the library of Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs presents to the university community an extensive book-illustrative exhibition "The only one Ukraine in the world."