Students of Sumy branch are the participants of an intensive course for Legal Clinics
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As part of the events dedicated to the All-Ukrainian Law Week, students-consultants of the Legal Clinic “Legal Aid” of Sumy branch of Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs became participants in the training “Legal Labyrinth: From Theory to Practice”.

High school students of the Secondary School №10 in Kharkiv got acquainted with the university
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Volodymyr Korniienko, Associate Professor of the Department of Police Activity and Public Administration of the Faculty №3 of KhNUIA, conducted vocational guidance work at Kharkiv Secondary School of I-III Grades №10 of Kharkiv City Council.

Binary lesson at Sumy Regional Art Museum named after N. Onatskyi
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Within the discipline "History and Culture of Ukraine", the binary lesson was held at Sumy Regional Art Museum named after N. Onatskyi for first-year students, Sumy branch, Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs. Future lawyers acquainted with the unique works of national art of the XIX-XX centuries.

The university has started a series of instructional and preventive classes on compliance with traffic rules
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Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs has launched a series of instructional and preventive classes on compliance with traffic rules for the university staff and applicants for higher education who drive vehicles.

An open lecture “Elements essential to a criminal offense” was held
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Associate Professor of Criminal Law and Criminology of Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs Valeriia Samotievich held an open lecture on the subject “Criminal Law” for 2 nd year students of the Faculty №6. Lecture topic – “Elements essential to a criminal offense”. 

Career-guidance online meeting with the students of Kharkiv gymnasium №23
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As part of career guidance work, Deputy Dean of the Faculty №6 of Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs Kostiantyn Sverdlin and representatives of the Department of Legal Support of Economic Activity  had an online meeting with the 11th grade students of Kharkiv Gymnasium №23 of Kharkiv City Council.


Binary lesson on a foreign language for professional purposes
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Yuliia Samoilova, Associate Professor of the Department of Humanities at Sumy Branch of KhNUIA, conducted a binary class with the participation of the policeman of the Patrol Police Department in Sumy region, Senior Police Sergeant Ihor Iliashenko. 

Modern Ukrainian language s a sign of style and prestige
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Associate Professor of the Department of Social and Humanitarian Disciplines of the Faculty №6 Candidate of Philological Sciences Nataliia Kobylko took a course “Modern Ukrainian language” from the Educational Hub of Kyiv. The course is based on the new edition of “Ukrainian spelling” in 2019.

Binary lesson on the protection of intellectual property
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Binary class for students of the master's degree of the Faculty №6 KhNUIA on “Peculiarities of civil protection of intellectual property” was conducted by Associate Professor of Civil Law and Procedure Olha Avramova and lawyer Daria Panfilova.