Problems of ecology became the topic of binary lessons
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The lecturer of subdivision of aircraft maintenance, the highest category specialist Tetiana Kozlovska with the participation of the chief specialist of the department of ecological safety of the executive committee of Kremenchuk City Council of Kremenchuk District of Poltava region Larysa Mashyna held for the first-year cadets a binary lesson on the subject “Chemistry” on the topic “Oxides of non-metallic elements, their content in the atmosphere. Environmental problems of mankind”.

The work of the university in the field of international partnership is noted
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Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs received a letter of thanks from the business center of Kharkiv National Economic University named after Semyon Kuznets for fruitful cooperation in the field of international partnership in involving foreign citizens in education and training.

The Mathematical Olympiad was held at Kremenchuk Flight College
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Lecturers of the subdivision of natural sciences of Kremenchuk Flight College held an Olympiad in the discipline “Mathematics (algebra and the beginnings of analysis and geometry)”. The Olympiad was attended by cadets and first-year students of general education of junior bachelors on the basis of basic general secondary education.

Kharkiv walking tour
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The cadets of study group 302, Faculty No. 2 and its curator Professor of the Department of Operational and Investigative Activities, Colonel of Police Oleksandr Horbachov took Kharkiv walking tour.

Students of the faculty № 6 took part in IT Law Conference
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Students of faculty № 6 took part in the All-Ukrainian Conference in IT Law, held by ELSA Kharkiv, a local group of an internationally independent organization that brings together law students and young lawyers interested in scientific and personal development.

The interaction of language and culture was discussed at a meeting of the scientific circle
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Svitlana Cherednyk, a lecturer of subdivision of philological disciplines of Kremenchuk Flight College of Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs and the Head of the scientific circle “Implementation of the communicative, culturological, thought-creating function of language” held a scientific circle.

Rector presented awards to the participants of the university basketball championship
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During the university guard mounting parade of the staff of Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs, the winning teams of the university championship in basketball among cadets and students of the university were awarded.

Online meeting of the scientific society "Problems of administrative law"
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Actual problems of administrative activity of National Police became the topic of the meeting of the scientific society "Problems of Administrative Law" of the Department of Law Enforcement and Police Studies of Faculty № 6. It is the component of law enforcement police activity.

Graduates meeting
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Celebrations on the Feast of the Graduates took place in Vysokopilska Secondary School of the 1st-3rd grades of Valkiv United Territorial Community. 

According to the tradition of this day, compatriots from all over Ukraine, school graduates of different years, including a 3rd year cadet of the faculty № 2, a 2018 graduate Anastasia Dorosh, traditionally meet in the walls of native school.

The winner of the competition for the university basketball championship has been determined
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The competition for the university basketball championship, in which five teams of the faculties of the educational institution took part, has come to an end.