To the International Book Donation Day

On the eve of the International Book Donation Day, which is celebrated on February 14, Dean of the Faculty № 1 Police Colonel Oleksandr Muzychuk and his deputies Vladyslav Neviadovskyi and Serhii Sevriukov presented the publication to the library.

The cadets of the university became winners and prize-winners of the Ukrainian sambo championship

The Ukrainian Sambo Wrestling Championship among juniors and seniors took place. The championship gathered 558 people that is a record number of participants. Athletes from Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs also took part in the competition.

Career guidance meeting with cadets of the State Boarding School with enhanced military and physical training "Cadet Corps"

Associate Professor of the Criminal Law and Criminology Department, Faculty No. 1 Kyrylo Cherevko and a leading specialist of the same faculty, Lieutenant Colonel Liliia Zhyronkina, visited the State Boarding School with enhanced military and physical training "Cadet Corps". Faculty members conducted a career guidance interview with cadets of graduating classes.

Professional self development is a necessary condition for pedagogical activities

Teaching staff of the Department of Foreign Languages ​​of Faculty No 1 are constantly striving for professional development. Associate Professor Oleh Honcharuk took part in the International scientific and methodical seminar "Relevant issues of teaching foreign languages ​​in educational institutions", which took place at Kharkiv National Automobile and Highway University.

The feat and heroism of modern defenders of Ukraine is the best example for educating the national and patriotic consciousness of the youth

First-year cadets and students, and staff of Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs, led by the Vice-Rector of the University Anatolii Klochko, visited the Memorial and Museum of Memory and Glory, which is located on the territory of the 92nd Separate Mechanized Brigade named after Ivan Sirko in Kluhyno-Bashkyrivka village, Chuhuiv district, Kharkiv region.

Cadets of KhNUIA passed training practice in divisions of Luhansk region MDNP (video)

49 cadets of the 2nd and 3rd courses of Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs completed internships in the units of the National Police of Luhansk Region. Investigators, operatives and employees of the prevention unit shared their experience and knowledge with future colleagues.

Career guidance meetings at Kharkiv schools

As part of the career guidance work, Associate Professors of the Department of Administrative Law and Procedure of the Faculty №1 of Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs, Colonel of Police Iryna Kazanchuk and Lieutenant Colonel of Police Valentyna Yatsenko met with teachers and graduates of Kharkiv secondary schools of the City Council of the Kharkiv Region of I-III degrees № 25, № 101.

School of course officers

Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs has launched the “School of Course Officers” - a new form of work for heads of educational courses of Faculties, the Institute of Postgraduate Education and Sumy Branch.

A meeting of the scientific circle of the Department of Foreign Languages took place

A lecturer of the Department of Foreign Languages ​​of Faculty No1 of KhNUIA, Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences Valentyna Kochyna held an online meeting of the scientific circle on the ZOOM platform. The first-year cadets of Faculty No1 took part in it.

Facilitation tools in online education

Within the framework of advanced training in the application of modern methods of organizing and conducting the educational process in distance and mixed form, the Head of the Department of Foreign Languages, Faculty№ 1, Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences Olena Stativka passed a series of webinars "Facilitation tools for effective online learning activities" from Central European Foundation Academy of Studies and Certification (CEASC) in cooperation with the NGO "Association of Project Managers of Ukraine".