Meeting on military engineering training of cadets

On the eve of practical field training on military engineering training of cadets of Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs by representatives of the educational and methodological department together with the deputy deans for educational and methodological work of Faculties No. 1–4; deputy director of Sumy branch of KhNUIA; heads of departments of tactical and special physical training; fire training; of military training, an operational meeting was held.

Field practical class on tactical special training

Oleksandr Skliar, a lecturer of the Department of Tactical and Special Physical Training of the Faculty No. 3, together with cadets of faculties No. 1 and No. 4, participants of the scientific-practical group "TSP-SHCHYT", conducted an on-site practical training session on tactical and special training. 

Volunteer assistance of KhNUIA cadets

Cadets of the Faculty No. 3 of Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs visited Vinnytsia Regional Clinical Hospital for War Veterans. The representatives of the university handed over a new wheelchair and fruits to the patients. The cadets talked to the soldiers undergoing rehabilitation in the hospital, supported them morally and wished them to recover.

Meeting of first-year cadets with student self-government

With the assistance of the Department of Social and Humanitarian Work of the university, a meeting was held with the cadets and student self-government. 

Lecture on professional ethics for freshmen

The Department of Social and Humanitarian Work organized lectures "Professional ethics of a police officer: criminological and educational aspect in the conditions of global globalization challenges" for first-year students of Faculties No. 1-4 who are undergoing camp training. Ivan Kritsak, a senior employee of the Research Laboratory on Problems of Pre-trial Investigation, gave the lectures.

Participation in a training on the peculiarities of psychological assistance to those seeking higher education during the war

Associate Professor of the Department of Pedagogy and Psychology, Faculty No. 3, Viktoriia Dotsenko, as part of the "PORUCH" project, took part in the training for teachers of higher education institutions "Psychological injuries of war: how to recognize and provide competent help to students".

The university cadets put flowers at the monument to the defenders of Ukraine

On Memorial Day of the Defenders of Ukraine, cadets of Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs put flowers at the monument to the Heavenly Hundred Heroes and the Heroes of the ATO on Taras Shevchenko Square in Vinnytsia.

The memory of Ukrainian defenders was honored at KhNUIA

The Day of Remembrance of the Defenders of Ukraine - military personnel and members of voluntary formations, who fallen in the struggle for independence, sovereignty and territorial integrity of the state, perpetuation of their heroism, strengthening of the patriotic spirit in society - is celebrated on August 29. It was initiated by the Decree of the President of Ukraine No. 621/2019 of August 23, 2019.

Video lecture for cadets on preventing the use of narcotic substances

For cadets of the Faculties No. 2 and No. 3, the Department of Social and Humanitarian Work organized a video lecture "Prevention of the use of narcotic substances." The event was attended by representatives of the state institution "Vinnytsia Regional Center for Disease Control and Prevention of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine".

Independence of Ukraine as a result of a thousand-year history of state formation

As part of the celebration of the Independence Day of Ukraine, the lecture "Independence Day of Ukraine in the light of the thousand-year history of state formation" was organized by the Department of Social and Humanitarian work for cadets of the Faculties No. 2 and No. 3 of Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs.