Camouflage nets for our defenders

In their free time, first-year cadets of the Faculty № 3 of Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs continue their volunteer activities by weaving camouflage nets for the units of the Armed Forces of Ukraine. The importance of nets can hardly be overestimated in wartime, as they reduce the risks of our defenders coming under fire, masking equipment, warehouses and even positions.

Representatives of KhNUIA - winners and prize-winners of the World Muay Thai Championship

The World Muay Thai Boxing Championships among adults took place in Patras (Hellenic Republic), in which representatives of Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs took part as part of the national team.

Provision of first aid in combat conditions

Field exercises on engineering training and tactical medicine for cadets of the Faculty No. 1 of Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs are underway. During the lesson, the teachers of the Department of Tactical and Special Physical Training of the Faculty № 3 considered the sequence of actions according to the M.A.R.S.N. algorithm.

Supporting the donor movement

The students of the Faculty № 3 of KhNUIA continue to donate blood and its components to provide healthcare facilities with the supplies that are so much needed today. On the eve of the blood donation, the cadets follow a certain diet and follow medical instructions, and undergo a medical examination at the center.

Helping and supporting

The first-year cadets of the Faculty № 3 of Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs continue to provide assistance to the families of servicemen who bravely defend our country. This time they helped the family of a defender to organize the yard and prepare firewood for the winter.

Practical improvement of English language skills

The first-year cadets of the Faculty № 3 of Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs, who have a high level of English, held a regular Easy English class for their classmates during their self-study.

Classes in tactical medicine

The first-year cadets of the Faculty № 3 of Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs, with the participation of Vladyslav Burkhailo, a lecturer at the Department of Tactical and Special Physical Training of the Faculty № 3, Senior Police Lieutenant, practiced the M.A.R.C.H. algorithm and evacuation of a victim under fire.

Cyber ​​hygiene during wartime

On this topic, a meeting of cadets of all courses of the Faculty No. 3 was held with the senior operational officer for operational search and partnership in the field of information technologies of the Office for Countering Cybercrimes in Vinnytsia Region of the Department of Cyber ​​Police, senior police lieutenant Maryna Zadverniuk.

Training on the risks of explosive objects

Serhii Hirenko, Deputy Dean for Educational and Methodological Work of the Faculty № 2, and Kostiantyn Butenko, Senior Lecturer of the Department of Tactical and Special Physical Training of the Faculty № 3, took part in the training of trainers on the risks associated with explosive ordnance.

Classes in tactical medicine

A regular practical lesson for cadets of the Faculty No. 3 on the skills of examining a victim according to the M.A.R.C.H. algorithm was conducted by a lecturer of the Department of Tactical and Special Physical Training of the Faculty No. 3, Senior Lieutenant of Police Vladyslav Burkhailo.