The student government of the university works

Nataliia Vasylenko, Head of the Student Self-Government of the Faculty № 6, held online meetings with the self-government activists and students of the faculty of Kamianets-Podilskyi location of Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs.

The results of the visit of the delegation of scientists and cadets of KhNUIA to Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznan

Within the framework of the cooperation agreement between Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs and Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznan (Republic of Poland), the visit of a delegation of scholars and cadets who participated in didactic classes in the field of mediation, negotiation and arbitration, including international arbitration during martial law, has been completed.

University students talked to young people in Italy

Students of the Faculty № 6 of Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs took part in the project "Solidarity Dialogues: Youth Against Propaganda and Disinformation", which is being implemented with the support of the "Dreaming and Acting" program.

Preparation for the competition of cadet and student research papers

The Head of the Department of Social and Humanitarian Disciplines of the Faculty № 6, Doctor of History, Professor, Honored Worker of Education of Ukraine Volodymyr Hrechenko and the Head of the Department of Theory and History of State and Law of the Faculty № 1, Candidate of History, Associate Professor Ihor Lohvynenko chaired a meeting of the organizational group to prepare a competition of cadet and student research papers dedicated to the University Day, which is celebrated on November 22.

Career guidance meeting with high school students

Valentyna Zhornokui, Professor of the Department of Legal Support of Entrepreneurial Activity and Financial Security of Faculty № 6, held a career guidance meeting with students of Kharkiv Lyceum № 106 named after V. Kysil of Kharkiv City Council.

Binary lesson with the participation of a lawyer

The binary lesson for 4th year students of Faculty No. 6 of KhNUIA on the discipline "Drafting procedural documents in civil cases" was devoted to the topic "Statements of the parties to the case". The lesson was conducted by Olha Moroz, Associate Professor of the Department of Civil Law and Procedure, and Oleksii Zhyrnyi, Attorney at Law.

Vocational guidance work of KhNUIA live on radio

Yurii Onyshchenko, Deputy Dean for Educational and Methodological Work of the Faculty No. 4, took part in the radio broadcast, during which he told the radio listeners about the conditions for admission to Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs, in particular to Faculty No. 6, as part of the 2023 admission campaign, which lasts until November 30, 2023.

Online professional development

Daria Hlushkova, a lecturer at the Department of Law Enforcement and Policeistics of the Faculty No. 6, took a course on Public Procurement: Management and Performance Evaluation. The relevance of studying the course is due to the objective needs of states that use public procurement as one of the effective tools of state aid to ensure socio-economic development and stable economic growth.

Binary lesson in the discipline "Administrative and jurisdictional activities of the police"

Mykola Holub, Associate Professor of the Department of Law Enforcement and Policeistics at the Faculty No. 6, together with a patrol police officer, conducted a binary lecture on the topic "Administrative and jurisdictional activities of the patrol police, the use of coercive measures, and activities in the field of road safety."

Methodology of empirical legal research

A regular optional lesson of the School of Scientific Leadership of Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs on the topic "Methodology of empirical legal research" was held by Mykhailo Zavalnyi, Associate Professor of the Department of Administrative Law and Procedure of Faculty No. 1.