Online course "Youth resilience in crises"

Since the first months of studying at the university, the participants of the School of Scientific Leadership of Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs have been actively mastering new knowledge in their free time. Valerii Fomich, a 1st year cadet of Faculty No. 3, and Anastasiia Striliana, a 1st year student of Faculty No. 6, successfully completed the online course "Youth Resilience in Crises"

Issues of ethics in advocacy

A seminar was held in the legal clinic of Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs, devoted to ethical issues in the practice of advocacy. Lawyer Serhii Lalenkov joined the discussion of the seminar topic, who familiarized the seminar participants with the rules of lawyer ethics approved by the Congress of Lawyers of Ukraine on June 9, 2017, and talked about the peculiarities of the practical application of the rules and principles of lawyer ethics.

A binary lesson with the participation of an expert explosive technician

Svitlana Lozova, Associate Professor of the Department of Criminal Procedure, Criminalistics and Forensics of the Faculty № 6 of KhNUIA, Candidate of Psychological Sciences, conducted an online binary lesson in the discipline "Forensic Medicine and Psychiatry" on the topic "Traumatology. Explosive injuries".

Binary training with the participation of police officers from practical units

For the first-year students of KhNUIA, Associate Professor of the Department of Fundamental and Legal Disciplines of the Faculty № 6 Krystyna Kysylova together with the staff of Kamianets-Podilskyi District Police Department of the National Police in Khmelnytskyi region conducted a binary lesson on the discipline "Police Deontology".

Elections to student self-government bodies in Kamianets-Podilskyi branch of KhNUIA

The first-year students of the Faculty №6 of Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs held the election of the chairman and assets of the student self-government among the students studying in Kamianets-Podilskyi. The event was attended by the dean of the faculty Oksana Brusakova, her deputy Natalia Mashnytska and methodologist Olena Adamchuk.

On the occasion of the Day of Defenders of Ukraine, a meeting of the scientific circle of the Department of Law Enforcement and Policeistics was held

The celebration of the Day of Defenders of Ukraine was the topic of a regular meeting of the scientific group of the Department of Law Enforcement and Policeistics of the Faculty No. 6, which was attended by the Head of the Department of Law Enforcement and Policeistics Iryna Panova, the Head of the scientific group Victoriia Melnyk, the lecturer of the Department Daria Hlushkova, students and master's students of the Faculty No. 6.

Full-time classes have started for first-year students

Today, the offline educational process has begun for the students of the Faculty No. 6 of Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs. During the week, all of them moved into the dormitory, which has safe, convenient and comfortable conditions.

Preventive activities of the National Police became the topic of a binary lesson

Mykola Holub, Associate Professor of the Department of Law Enforcement and Policeistics of the Faculty № 6, together with Artem Lykhomanov, Senior Inspector of the Public Relations Department of the Patrol Police Office in Kharkiv Region, conducted a binary lecture on the subject of Administrative and Jurisdictional Activities of the Police.

Binary lesson "Modern problems of civil proceedings"

Ella Tverdokhlib, Associate Professor of the Department of Civil Law and Procedure of the Faculty № 6, together with attorney Dmytro Ivchenko, conducted an online binary class on the discipline "Modern Problems of Civil Procedure" for applicants for the second (master's) level of higher education of the full-time form of study of the Faculty № 6, 1st year master's students.

Compliance with the rules of academic integrity became the topic of the meeting of the scientific circle

An online meeting of the scientific club of the Department of Sociology and Psychology of the Faculty № 6 of Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs on the topic "Academic Integrity" was held. Students and lecturers of the Department of Sociology and Psychology took part in the meeting, which was chaired by Associate Professor Olena Shakhova.