Participation in the lecture "The crime of genocide under international law"

Professor of the Department of Constitutional and International Law of the Faculty № 4 Andrii Voitsikhovskyi took part in a thematic lecture by a famous American lawyer, Professor Gregory Townsend on the topic "The Crime of Genocide under International Law", prepared by the Center for Civil Liberties within the framework of the Ukrainian Week of International Criminal Justice.

Ukraine and the EU: candidate status and prospects for European integration

Maryna Petchenko, Associate Professor of the Department of Social and Economic Disciplines of the Faculty № 2, PhD in Economics, completed an internship at the Summer Economic School "Ukraine and the EU: Candidate Status and Prospects for European Integration" organized by the NGO "Ukrainian Association of International Economists" and Borys Grinchenko Kyiv University.

Special Tribunal for the crime of aggression against Ukraine

Professor of the Department of Constitutional and International Law, Faculty № 4 Andrii Voitsikhovskyi took part in a thematic lecture by American lawyer, founding chief prosecutor of the UN Special Court for Sierra Leone (SCSL), founder of the international non-governmental organization Global Accountability Network (GAN) for the investigation of international crimes in Syria, Yemen, Venezuela and China, research fellow at Syracuse University College of Law, Professor David M. Crane on "A Special Tribunal for Ukraine".

Improving pedagogical skills

Iryna Kyrieieva, Associate Professor of the Department of Legal Support of Entrepreneurial Activity and Financial Security, has successfully completed the International Training Program for Heads of Educational and Scientific Institutions, as well as Pedagogical and Scientific and Pedagogical Staff "Together with Nobel Laureates: Values, Experience, Knowledge, Competencies and Technologies for the Formation of a Successful Personality and Transformation of the World Around".

Participation in the International Scientific and Practical Conference

Larysa Sazanova, Senior Lecturer of the Department of Foreign Languages of the Faculty No. 4, took part in the X International Scientific and Practical Online Conference "Science and Technology: Problems, Prospects and Innovations" (Osaka, Japan) and presented the article "Practices of second language grammar teaching in higher educational establishments"

Participation in the panel discussion on the ratification of the Rome Statute by Ukraine

Professor of the Department of Constitutional and International Law, Faculty № 4 Andrii Voitsikhovskyi took part in a panel discussion "What prevents Ukraine from ratifying the Rome Statute?", held by the Center for Civil Liberties in partnership with Kyiv School of Human Rights and Democracy, the Ukrainian Association of International Law, the Group on International Public Law and Policy within the framework of the Ukrainian Week of International Criminal Justice.

Participation in a webinar on cloud security

Zakhar Demydov, Senior Researcher at the Research Laboratory for Information Technology and Combating Crime in Cyberspace of Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs, took part in the webinar "Securing SaaS: The Missing Component of Cloud Security".

The crime of aggression, an international tribunal and amendments to the Rome Statute

Andrii Voitsikhovskyi, Professor of the Department of Constitutional and International Law, Faculty № 4, took part in the discussion of the report of the Secretary General of the international non-governmental organization Parliamentarians for Global Action (PGA), Professor David Donat Kattin (Ph.D Law) and the Director of PGA's Rome Statute Campaign, Frederika Schweighoferova, on the topic "The Crime of Aggression, the International Tribunal and Amendments to the Rome Statute".

Personalization is the most effective method of learning a foreign language

Olena Stativka, Head of the Department of Foreign Languages of the Faculty № 4 of KhNUIA, Associate Professors of the same Department Valentyna Pochuieva and Oleh Honcharuk, Senior Lecturer Larysa Sazanova and Lecturer Artem Bilousov took part in the international online webinars of the "Be Yourself in English: Personalizing Language Learning series"

Participation of KhNUIA representatives in the meeting on strengthening the protection of radiation sources in Ukraine

KhNUIA joined the meeting of representatives of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine, higher education institutions, the US Department of Energy Office of Radiological Safety and the State Nuclear Regulatory Inspectorate of Ukraine, which took place in Prague (Czech Republic).