Participation in the All-Ukrainian competition of student research papers in specialty "Service Law"

According to the results of the All-Ukrainian competition of student research papers in specialty "Service Law", the III degree winner diploma was awarded to the cadet of faculty № 2 of KhNUIA Vadym Rushchyts for scientific work "Civil service and service in National Police: general characteristics, differences and common features".


The final scientific and practical conference of the second round of the All-Ukrainian competition of student's scientific papers took place at the university

Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs hosted the final scientific and practical conference of the second round of the All-Ukrainian competition of student research papers in the specialty "Theory and History of State and Law; history of political and legal doctrines; philosophy of law". The conference was opened by Valerii Sokurenko, Rector of the University, Corresponding Member of the National Academy of Legal Sciences of Ukraine, Doctor of Legal Sciences, Professor, Honored Lawyer of Ukraine.

The cadet of the university took second place in the All-Ukrainian competition of student scientific works

The final scientific-practical conference within the framework of the II round of the All-Ukrainian competition of student research papers in the specialty "Administrative Law and Procedure; Finance Law; Information Law" took place on the basis of Yaroslav Mudryi National Law University in the format of video communication.

Participation in the Final Scientific and Practical Conference

Viktoriia Kolesnyk, a 2nd-year cadet of faculty № 1, took part in the final scientific and practical conference of the All-Ukrainian competition of students’ research papers on specialization "Administrative Law and Procedure; Finance law; Information law".


Winning the competition for the best monographs of young scientists from the Council of Young Scientists

The monograph of Oleksandr Khan, Senior Researcher of the Department of Scientific Work Organization, Candidate of Law, on the topic "Theoretical bases of planning and programming separate investigative (search) actions" won the competition for the best monographs of young scientists from the Council of Young Scientists.

Expert research of narcotic substances in the subject of students of the Scientific Circle of the Department of Criminal Procedure, Criminalistics and Expertology of KhNUIA

A regular meeting of the Scientific Circle of the Department of Criminal Procedure, Criminalistics and Expertology of Faculty № 6 of Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs chaired by Associate Professor of the Department of Criminal Procedure, Criminalistics and Expertology, Candidate of Psychological Sciences, Associate Professor Svitlana Lozova took place online using Zoom video conferencing software.

Crime and combating it in a singularity: trends and innovations

Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs hosted an online scientific-practical conference "Crime and combating it in a singularity: trends and innovations", dedicated to the memory of a member of the Board of the Criminological Association of Ukraine, Professor Tetiana Denysova.

Promotion of the rules of academic plagiarism prevention classes

Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs hosted a lecture for students of the third (educational and scientific) level of higher education: doctoral students, associate professors and graduate students of the university. During the lecture, the issues of the concept of academic plagiarism, its main types and measures to prevent it during the preparation of scientific papers were raised.

Criminal and law, and criminological measures to counter domestic violence against children were considered at the scientific circle meeting

A regular meeting of the scientific circle of the Department of Criminal Law and Criminology of the Faculty No. 1 on the topic "Criminal and law, and criminological measures to counter domestic violence against children" took place in the remote mode.

The School of the Young Scientist has started its work at the University

The School of young scientist established by the Department of Scientific Work Organization together with the Scientific Society of students, cadets, listeners, postgraduates, adjunct students, doctoral students, and young scientists has started its work. Its purpose is to raise awareness of the cadets, listeners, graduate students, adjuncts, doctoral students, and young scientists on the possibility of preparing scientific papers, articles, abstracts, research of basic norms and rules of working with scientific literature, information resources, archival documents, etc; as well as to acquaint applicants for higher education with scientific activities and opportunities for its implementation at the university.