Oleksandr Balabin, a first-year student of KhNUIA, became the European champion among juniors in boxing
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Oleksandr Balabin, a first-year student of Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs, became the European champion among juniors in boxing in the weight category up to 70 kg. The competition was held from November 25 to December 2, 2020 in Sofia, Bulgaria.

Preparation of Master's students for participation in scientific and practical conferences.
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The online meeting of the student scientific circle of the Department of Legal Support of Economic Activity of the Faculty № 6 took place. Yuliia Kyrychenko, Oleksii Shumilo, Daria Korobtsova and Viktoriia Fursa, 2nd year Master's students, 1st and 3rd year students and Lecturers of the Department, participated in its work.

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The Department of Foreign Languages of Faculty №1 held a debate in English "STOP Bullying!", that was organized by the Department of International Cooperation of Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs with the support of the European Union Advisory Mission Field Office in Kharkiv.

Representatives of the university congratulated the participants of the scientific and creative competition on financial security and financial investigations
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Representatives of the Faculty № 6 Professor of the Department of Legal Support of Economic Activity Iryna Sievidova and lecturer of the Department of Legal Support of Economic Activity Olha Sievidova visited the communal institution "Lyceum with enhanced military and physical training " Patriot "" Kharkiv Regional Council and congratulated the participants of the scientific competition on financial security and financial investigations.

The meeting of the student philosophical scientific circle.
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The scheduled meeting of the student philosophical scientific circle of the Faculty № 6 was held under the guidance of Svitlana Mohilova, Associate Professor of the Department of Social and Humanitarian Disciplines. The topic of the online conversation was the philosophical aspects of the terrorism issues.

To Armed Forces Day of Ukraine (video)
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Ukrainian celebrates Armed Forces Day of Ukraine annually on December 6. Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs also takes part in the strengthening of the defense capacity of our country – a military arts division functions at the university; it provides training of reserve officers by the following military-registration specialties: “Psychology”, and “Organization of moral and psychological support”.

December 5 - International Volunteer Day
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The staff of our university greets all volunteers and wishes good health, well-being, inspiration for good deeds, family comfort and warmth, peace and prosperity. May every noble deed of one volunteer motivates others to action, and let people thank him for his kindness and respect.

Opening of the museum exhibition “Symbols of Invincibility and Victory”
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On the eve of the Day of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, the Department of Firearms Training transferred more than 70 items of museum significance to the funds of the Museum of KhNUIA. Most of them are “World War II metal”: numerous samples of small arms fragments (for example, PPSh-41 and SVT-40), aircraft machine guns, anti-aircraft guns, artillery shells and mines, anti-tank mines, grenades, ammunition boxes, etc.

Students of KhNUIA held a round table for the All-Ukrainian action "16 days against violence
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The Department of Sociology and Psychology of the Faculty № 6 joined the All-Ukrainian action "16 days against violence", which is held from November 25 to December 10. Professor of the department Iryna Nechitailo and associate professor of the department Alla Larionova held a round table on "Domestic violence: causes, symptoms, methods of prevention." 

Legal regulation of telecommunications and relations in the Internet
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The head of the Department of Law-Enforcement Activity and Policeistics of the faculty № 6 Iryna Panova conducted an online seminar on "Legal regulation of telecommunications and relations in the Internet" for the third-year law enforcement students of the faculty № 6.