The University in the Light of Scientometrical Indicators
header imageThose who want to meet the global tendencies of developing “science without borders”, scholars of Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs responded to the initiative of the department of scientific work organization and with the participation of the library and informational and technology department of the University complete personal profiles in the search system Google Scholar. Nowadays, based on the portal “Bibliometrics of Ukrainian Science”, according to the number of profiles created by scholars of Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs (332 accounts as of October 7, 2016) the University is ranked 18th in the ranking of “Top 20 Institutions by the Number of Bibliometric Profiles of Scholars”.
Representatives of the University gave a celebration of Knowledge Day for pupils
header imageOn 1 September in boarding-school № 11 for children with psychoneurological disorders were held the events dedicated to the Day of Knowledge, which was attended by representatives of Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs.
Opening Ceremony of the International Assembly of Kharkiv Twin-Cities
header imageRector of Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs, police colonel Valerii Sokurenko police took part in the Opening Ceremony of the International Assembly of Kharkiv Twin-Cities.
Train the trainer
header imageFrom 8 to 12 August 2016 at the Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs  passed the course "Train the trainer". These classes were conducted by experienced professionals, trainers from the UK, who are retired police officers - Peter Wilson and William Breym. They are advisors/trainers on Community Policing of EU Advisory Mission. The project was also attended by two trainers from Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs.
New Directions of International Cooperation of University
header imageThe working visit of the Rector of Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs police colonel Valerii Sokurenko and Dean of Faculty № 6 (Law and Communications) Oleg Synyehubov to Azerbaijan ended.
EU Advisory Mission representatives visited the university
header imageKharkiv National University of Internal Affairs was attended by representatives of the EU Advisory Mission:  Udo Moeller – Head of Law Enforcement Component, Christian Ramet – Political Advisor/Desk Coordinator, Gerrit Jan Van Gelder – Regional Presence Coordinator, Deniel Farrell - Regional Presence Officer, Natalia Makarenko – Regional Presence Officer, Oleg Chernyshenko – Regional Presence Training Officer.
The Representative of the University Attended the Colloquium of Transnational Crime in the UK
header imageDeputy Head of the research laboratory of the problems of crime prevention of Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs colonel of police Oleksii Serdiuk took part in the XVII Annual Colloquium on Transnational Crime, held in the city of Newcastle (UK) from 26 to 28 June 2016.
Representatives of International Organizations Took Part in Celebrations Dedicated to the Graduation of Students
header imageAt the ceremony, which took place at Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs devoted to graduation of students and their dedication to the defense of law and order, was attended by representatives of international organizations. Among them – Observers of Special Monitoring Mission of the OSCE in Ukraine James Speros and Alessandro Nanni, Head of training and prepare peacekeepers Norwegian University College Police Thor Damkas, coordinator of the regional office of Advisory Mission of the European Union Gerrit Jan Van Gelder, specialist of regional cooperation Advisory Mission of the European Union Daniel Farrell, Honorary Embassador of the Republic of Armenia Armen Aslanian Armen Gerasimov, Honorary Embassador of Albania in Kharkiv Omarov Shakhin Anverovych.
European Education for European City
header imageOn the 22nd of May at Kharkiv solemn measures with participation of students of schools of Kharkiv, on the Day of Europe, took place. In the celebration program, which motto is - " European education for European city" representatives of Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs - a brass band, members of amateur groups, band drummer, and cadets and students of the institution took part.
.University Representative Delivered a Speech in Cambridge
header imageThe representative of the Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs - Deputy Head of the Research Laboratory of the problems crime prevention colonel of police Oleksii Serdiuk took part in a seminar on scientific exchange programs named Marie Skladovskaia Curie, held in the city. Cambridge (United Kingdom) from 9 to 13 May 2016. The seminar was held by the Supervisory Board on research funding Anglia Ruskin University.