Kharkiv lyceum students were invited to study at university
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Olha Marchenko, Professor of the Department of Sociology and Psychology of the Faculty No. 6 of Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs, together with Svitlana Hunbina, the lyceum's methodologist, held a career guidance conversation with the pupils of Kharkiv Republican Boarding Lyceum with a sports profile.

Actual problems of formation and development of local self-government in Ukraine
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A regular optional lesson of the School of Scientific Leadership of Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs on the topic "Actual Problems of Formation and Development of Local Self-Government in Ukraine" was held by the Assistant to the Rector Viktor Slysh. The meeting was actively attended by representatives of all university departments, cadets, students, master's students, graduate students and adjuncts in both offline and online formats.

Deepening skills in tactical medicine
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Vladyslav Kolisnichenko, Associate Professor of the Department of Tactical and Special Physical Training of the Faculty No. 3, and Oleksandr Skliar, Senior Lecturer of the Department, underwent an in-depth training course in tactical medicine to gain skills and knowledge at the level of a rescue fighter in accordance with the TCCC-CLS protocol and a TCCC-CMS combat paramedic.

Training on the CEPOL LEEd platform continues
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Representatives of Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs continue to improve their skills and professional English. They took part in the webinar "Blockchain analysis for financial investigators" on the LEEd CEPOL online educational platform.

Students of the Educational and Rehabilitation Institution got acquainted with the Driving School of KhNUIA
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The Driving School for Persons with Disabilities of Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs was visited by students of Kamianets-Podilskyi State Institute of Higher Education.

Online meeting with future applicants
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Employees of the Preparatory Department of the Faculty No. 6 organized and held an online conference for high school students and their parents, teachers, heads of secondary schools in Kharkiv and Kharkiv region: secondary schools No. 97, 98, 122, 128, 138, 139, 167, Derhachi lyceums No. 1, 2, 3, Rusko-Lozivskyi and Prudianskyi lyceums.

The School of Pedagogical Excellence has started its work
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The Head of the Educational and Methodological Department of Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs, Police Lieutenant Colonel Iryna Riazantseva, opened the School of Pedagogical Excellence for the academic year 2023-2024. 33 representatives of the academic and teaching staff of the university and employees who organize and support the educational process will improve their professional and pedagogical skills

Graduation of the students of the primary professional training courses for police officers of KhNUIA took place
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23 officers of the Special Police Regiment of Kharkiv Regional Police have been mastering the profession of "Police Officer" for six months. The certificates were presented to the graduates by Serhii Husarov, Corresponding Member of the National Academy of Legal Sciences of Ukraine, Doctor of Law, Professor, Honored Lawyer of Ukraine, and Colonel Serhii Shchebetun, Commander of the Special Police Regiment.

Another graduation of community police officers took place in KhNUIA
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Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs hosted a ceremony on the occasion of the graduation of students of the specialization courses for community police officers who have successfully completed training in general legal disciplines, pre-medical, tactical and firearms training, etc. The educational process was provided by the best lecturers and trainers of the university.

Cadets hand over camouflage netting to the military
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Nataliia Olendra, a lecturer at the Department of Foreign Languages, curator of the 1st year study group of Faculty No. 4, together with cadets, joined the weaving of camouflage nets for our defenders as part of the Volunteering is the Size of Your Soul program.