Meeting of the scientific circle of the Department of Foreign Languages
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Oleh Honcharuk, Associate Professor of the Department of Foreign Languages of the Faculty № 4, held a meeting of the scientific club for second-year students of the Faculty № 4 on the topic "English in everyday life. Differences between British, American and Australian variants of English".

Career guidance work in Kharkiv region continues online
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Olena Chornous, Head of the Recruitment and Career Guidance Department, and Pavlo Chervonyi, Associate Professor of the Department of Pedagogy and Psychology of the Faculty No. 3, held an online meeting with graduates of secondary schools and their parents - secondary school No. 126 and gymnasium No. 39 in Kharkiv. More than 30 locations joined the online event.

Help for schoolchildren
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The staff and cadets of the Faculties №2 and №3 of Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs once again visited the municipal institution "Prybuzka Special School" of Vinnytsia Regional Council.

Getting to know prominent figures in the history of Ukraine
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The Department of Theory and History of State and Law conducted an elective course on the special course "Prominent Figures of Ukraine" for cadets of the Faculties №№ 1, 2, 4. The face of Ukrainian history are shaped by individuals. These are the prominent historical figures who have made an important contribution to history and become the pride of Ukraine.

Day of honoring the liquidators of Chornobyl accident
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All locations of Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs held rallies on the occasion of the Day of Commemoration ofLiquidators of Chornobyl Nuclear Power Plant Accident. April 26 is the day of remembrance of the largest environmental and social disaster of our time, a reminder of the heroism of the liquidators, the danger of using nuclear energy, and the consequences that this event brought to the environment and people.

Meeting on the International Day of Remembrance of Chornobyl Disaster
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To mark the 37th anniversary of Chornobyl disaster, the Department of Social and Humanitarian Work for Students of Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs organized a meeting with representatives of Vinnytsia Association of Chornobyl Victims. The students had a unique opportunity to hear from eyewitnesses of the nuclear disaster and its liquidators about that difficult period.

Liquidators of Chornobyl disaster met with cadets
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On the occasion of the 37th anniversary of Chornobyl disaster, the Department of Social and Humanitarian Work organized and conducted an educational event "Chornobyl - an Eternal Trace in Ukraine" for the students of the Faculties No. 1 and No. 4 of Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs.

Higher education applicants took an online course "First Aid in Wartime"
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The first-year students of the Faculty No. 1 took an online course "First Aid in Wartime" on the popular online platform "Prometheus". As a result of the training, higher education students learned about the MARCHE algorithm and its components, facts about blood, signs of bleeding and hemostatic agents, tourniquets and important principles of working with them, the basics of external cardiac massage and methods of stopping non-massive bleeding, etc.

University students visit Vinnytsia Regional Crisis Center for Women with Children
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The staff and cadets of the Faculty №3 of Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs continue the campaign "We Help and We Will Win!". Once again, they visited Vinnytsia Regional Crisis Center for Women with Children who have suffered from domestic violence.

Career guidance meeting with students of Kamianets-Podilskyi lyceum № 3
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Representatives of the Department of Constitutional and International Law of the Faculty №4 of Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs, Associate Professor Yevheniia Lohvynenko and Lecturer Vadym Maltsev met with 11th grade students of Kamianets-Podilskyi Lyceum №3 of Kamianets-Podilskyi City Council of Khmelnytskyi Region.