Meeting of the scientific group dedicated to the annual World Action "16 Days Against Violence"
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The head of the research group - associate professor of the Department of Police Activity and Public Administration of the Faculty No. 3, Kateryna Chyshko, held another meeting dedicated to the annual World Action "16 Days Against Violence". At the beginning of the group meeting, she outlined the current specifics of the problem of domestic violence.

Report at the interuniversity theoretical seminar
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Professor of the Department of Social and Humanitarian Disciplines of the Faculty No. 6, Doctor of Philosophy, Professor Volodymyr Shapoval, as a specially invited speaker, took part in a theoretical seminar organized by the Department of Philosophy of the National University "Odessa Law Academy", held online, where he gave a keynote speech "The Humanistic Potential of Philosophical heritage of H.S. Skovoroda". The theoretical seminar "Life and Philosophical Work of H.S. Skovoroda" was dedicated to the 300th anniversary of the birth of the great Ukrainian.

The qualifying stage of the competition of Ukrainian language experts named after Petro Yatsyk among university students was held
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Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs hosted the 1st stage of the XXIII International Competition in the Ukrainian language named after Petro Yatsyk among the first-year students of the Faculty No. 6. The event was organized and held remotely by the senior lecturer of the Department of Social and Humanitarian Disciplines Mykhailo Ovchynnykov.

Participation of lecturers of the Department of Foreign Languages ​​in international trainings on quality teaching of the English language
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Head of the Department of Foreign Languages ​​of the Faculty No. 4 of KhNUIA Olena Stativka took part in an online training from Dinternal Education LLC "Integration of elements of exam preparation into the general curriculum of learning English with the manual FOCUS ON EXAMS.UA, where the issues of optimal balance between the development of speech competence of students and checking their readiness for the exam were discussed.

Video lecture for the 90th anniversary of the genocide of the people of Ukraine
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Associate Professor of the Department of Legal Support of Entrepreneurial Activity and Financial Security of the Faculty No. 6, curator of one of the student groups, Iryna Antol, and students of higher education - bachelors studying in the specialty "Finance, Banking and Insurance" took part in the video lecture "Until the 90s Holodomor-genocide 1932-1933".

Lecture for cadets to the 90th anniversary of Holodomor-genocide of 1932-1933
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For students of higher education of Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs, the Department of Social and Humanitarian Work organized and conducted a video lecture on the 90th anniversary of Holodomor-genocide of 1932-1933, in which all structural units of the university took part, remotely - with the help of online communication.

City tour for freshmen
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Cadets of the first year of the Faculty No. 3, together with the curator of the group Alona Bahaieva, visited the European Square - a small and cozy square located in the center of the city. Local residents consider its "highlight" to be the water tower, which was built in 1911 according to the project of the architect Artynov. During the war, there was an observation post in the tower, because from here you could see what was happening on the outskirts of the city. Later, the building was remodeled and adapted to house the employees of the water utility.

We remember. We unite. We will win
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The staff of Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs joined the all-Ukrainian campaign "Light a candle" on Holodomor Memorial Day, which is celebrated in Ukraine every year on the fourth Saturday of November. Today, events commemorating the victims of the Stalinist regime take place during Russia's full-scale war against Ukraine, under the slogan "We remember. We unite. We will win."

Meetings of KhNUIA curators with students dedicated to the events of Holodomor
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Curators of the Faculty No. 6 - the staff of the Department of Legal Support of Entrepreneurial Activity and Financial Security Yevhenia Ananieva, Daria Korobtsova, Artem Podorozhnii and Artem Dobrovinskyi held meetings with students of their groups dedicated to one of the most terrible pages in the history of Ukraine - Holodomor of 1932-1933.

Curator's hour "Formation of speech culture of a police officer"
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Larysa Sazanova, senior lecturer of the Department of Foreign Languages ​​of the Faculty No. 4 and curator of the first-year group, held a conversation "Formation of the speech culture of a police officer." The peculiarities of the activity of law enforcement officers, the ability to correctly and clearly express one's opinion during communication with representatives of different strata of the population were discussed.