Mastering the English language is the realization of the professional potential of future law enforcement officers
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Hanna Babak and Artem Bilousov, lecturers of the Department of Foreign Languages ​​of the Faculty No. 4 of KhNUIA, took part in the XVI International Correspondence Scientific and Practical Internet Conference "Modern Scientific Research: achievements, innovations and development prospects" (Berlin, Germany).

Excursion to the National Theater
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Representatives of Sumy branch of Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs visited Sumy National Academic Theater of Drama and Musical Comedy named after M. S. Shchepkin. The event was held within the framework of the social and cultural integration project of youth "Good evening, we are from Ukraine", implemented by the Public Organization "Youth Platform" in partnership with the Ministry of Youth and Sports of Ukraine.

Assistance to medical institutions of the Kharkiv region
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As a result of shelling by the aggressor many residents of the Kharkiv region received various injuries and needed auxiliary devices for movement. On the initiative of the rector of the Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs Valery Sokurenko wheelchairs and walkers were transferred to medical institutions of the Kharkiv region.

Freshman sports festival (video)
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The Day of Physical Culture and Sports was celebrated as a sports holiday by the freshmen of the field camps of Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs. Much attention is paid to the physical education of future law enforcement officers and a healthy lifestyle at the university. 

Dean of the Faculty No. 2 Ihor Nazarenko: "Grateful children's eyes and smiles are something worth living and fighting for"
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The staff and cadets of the Faculty No. 2 of Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs visited the students of Vinnytsia Educational Rehabilitation Center "Hnizdechko" of Vinnytsia Regional Council. The visitors are met by a very friendly and welcoming team that cares about children and loves each of them.

"Heroes of the Ministry of Internal Affairs: 200 days of war": a large-scale online chronicle about the military exploits of the defenders of Ukraine
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The Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine presents a web platform dedicated to the exploits of the employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs system, which they performed during the 200 days of the full-scale invasion of Russia on the territory of Ukraine. Stories of soldiers of the National Guard of Ukraine, the National Police of Ukraine, the State Emergency Service of Ukraine, the State Border Guard Service of Ukraine, employees of the State Migration Service of Ukraine and the Main Service Center are collected here. The stories of those Heroes of the MIA system, whose contribution to our future victory should be remembered by everyone.

Admission campaign 2022: efficiency of work of Higher Education Institutions authorities
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Faculty members and students of the Faculty No. 6 took part in a public event organized by the National Agency for the Prevention of Corruption on the topic "Introductory campaign 2022: the effectiveness of the work of Higher Education Institutions authorities", held in the format of an online meeting.

Cadet leisure time
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At Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs, considerable attention is paid to the aesthetic and cultural education of future law enforcement officers. Cadets visit art and history museums, various exhibitions, and city events.

A sports festival was held at Sumy branch of KhNUIA
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To the Day of Physical Culture and Sports, a sports holiday was held at Sumy branch of Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs with the participation of first-year cadets. Lecturers of the cycle of special disciplines have prepared various sports tasks for them. Teams competed in table tennis, tug-of-war, mini-football, and demonstrated strength and endurance in the kettlebell jerk. 

Excursions for first-year cadets
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During the camp gathering for first-year cadets of Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs, cultural and educational excursions are held with the participation of employees of Kamianets-Podilskyi State Historical Museum-Reserve. The events are held with the assistance of the Department of Social and Humanitarian Work.