Participation in a webinar on improving security and combating crime in cyberspace
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Zakhar Demydov, a Senior Researcher at the Research Laboratory on Problems of Information Technology and Combating Crime in Cyberspace of Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs, took part in the webinar "Immutable and Air-Gapped Backups are Dead... Ransomware 3.0 Killed Them".

Valerii Sokurenko, Rector of KhNUIA, took part in the "Actual Interview" program on Vinnychyna TV and Radio Company
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Rector of Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs, Police General of the third rank, Valerii Sokurenko, took part in the "Actual Interview" program on Vinnychyna TV and RadioCompany. 

University cadets donated blood for the needs of the Armed Forces
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Cadets of the Faculty No. 2 of Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs once again became donors. Young men and women donated blood and its components for the military of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, who are undergoing treatment. The cadets of the university call on everyone to join the donor movement and give a chance for life to the fighters who bravely defend our state.

Psychological support of freshmen
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Specialists of the psychological service of Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs pay special attention to measures of psychological support and support of first-year students during camp meetings at all locations of the university's current location. Various forms of work are used, aimed at facilitating and accelerating the adaptation of recruits to specific learning conditions.

Rector of the university Valerii Sokurenko talked about the "Security and Trust" project on the TV channel "Vinnychyna"
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The Rector of Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs, Police General of the Third Rank Valerii Sokurenko spoke on the TV channel "Vinnychyna". The topic of discussion is the annual monitoring study "Security and Trust", which has been conducted since 2013 and developed by the university.

Participation KhNUIA lecturers in the webinar on co-authorship
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Larysa Sazanova, a senior lecturer at the Department of Foreign Languages ​​of the Faculty No. 4, participated in the webinar "Features of co-authored publication in Scopus/Web of Science journals for Ukrainian scientists".

Master's students of the 2022 recruitment have started their studies
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The management of the Faculty No. 1 of Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs held a meeting with students of the 2022 master's degree. At the Faculty No. 1, 30 master's degree students obtain the second (master's) level of higher education on a full-time basis.

Improving the quality of scientific work
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Dmytro Slynko, Professor of the Department of Theory and History of the State and Law of the Faculty No. 1, took part in the webinar "How does a professional article of category "B" differ from a SCOPUS/WEB OF SCIENCE scientific article." 

Online lecture on civil procedure
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Associate Professor of the Department of Civil Law and Process, Faculty No. 6, Ella Vakulovich held an online lecture for 4th year students of the "Law Enforcement Activity" specialty in the discipline "Civil Process" on the topic "Judiciary and justice in civil cases". 

Advanced training in mediation
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Associate Professor of the Department of Legal Disciplines of Sumy Branch of KhNUIA, Olena Markova, completed a two-month training at the international online mediation training center International Mediation Campus at the International Mediation Institute. The training course is one hundred hours.