Current issues were discussed during the meeting of the Academic Council of the Faculty No. 6
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A meeting of the Academic Council was held at the Faculty No. 6. In particular, the work plan for the next academic year was approved, and other topical issues of the Faculty life were discussed.

Donation saves lives
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Yevhenia Budiukova, a 4th-year student of Sumy branch of Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs, constantly donates blood components at Sumy Regional Biopharma Plasma Donation Center for wounded defenders of Ukraine, children with cancer, etc. For active citizenship and on the occasion of the Day of the Flag of Ukraine and the 31st anniversary of the Independence of Ukraine, Evhenia was awarded the "Vilna" award.

The cycle of meetings of the management of the Faculty No. 6 with senior students has been completed
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There was a meeting of the management of the Faculty No. 6 with students of the 2nd and 3rd courses in the specialties "Psychology", "Finance, Banking and Insurance" and the 2nd course in the specialty "Law Enforcement". This is the final meeting with Senior students, which was attended by the Dean of the Faculty No. 6 Oksana Brusakova, Deputy Dean Serhii Zahorodnii, course methodologists Nadiia Butova, Olha Puhachova and heads of study groups.

Mediation as an extrajudicial method of conflict resolution
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The School of Scientific Leadership of Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs held the fifth webinar on the topic "Mediation as an extrajudicial method of conflict resolution" within the framework of cooperation with Kharkiv local center for the provision of free secondary legal assistance, timed to the 31st anniversary of the Independence of Ukraine.

Rector of the university Valerii Sokurenko took part in "In Time" program of the VITA TV channel
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Rector of Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs Valerii Sokurenko took part in the informational program "In Time" of the VITA TV channel.

Improvement of pedagogical skills
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Associate Professor of the Department of Sociology and Psychology, Faculty No. 6, Candidate of Psychological Sciences, Yana Ponomarenko, successfully completed her training under the educational program for improving the qualifications of pedagogical and scientific workers of educational institutions "Google Digital Tools for Education" (digital component).

Participation in the all-Ukrainian scientific and pedagogical training
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Natalia Aleksieienko, a senior lecturer at the Department of Sociology and Psychology, Faculty No. 6, took part in the all-Ukrainian scientific and pedagogical training of the National University "Odesa Law Academy" and successfully completed training under the program "Educational Process in the Conditions of Martial Law in Ukraine".

Current issues became the topic of the curator's meeting with the students
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Kateryna Skrynnikova, a senior lecturer of the Department of Civil Law and Process of the Faculty No. 6, held an online meeting with students on the Zoom platform. The curator congratulated the youth on the Day of the State Flag of Ukraine and the 31st anniversary of the Independence Day of Ukraine, drew attention to the observance of the rules of conduct in conditions of martial law. 

Greetings from the President Volodymyr Zelenskyi on the occasion of the Independence Day of Ukraine
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Free people of independent Ukraine!

And that says it all. Just four words, but how much is behind them today. On the 182nd day of full-scale war. How many symbols and meanings, exploits and losses, joy and pain are in these words. And the main thing is how much truth is in them. Our truth. Truth about our present, with which it is impossible to argue, because it is impossible not to see and not to admit. We are free people of independent Ukraine. After six months, when they are trying to destroy us, we are free people of independent Ukraine. And this is the truth about our future. Free people of independent Ukraine.

The enemy seeks to take away our Independence. However, we won't let him do that!
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Modern Ukrainians demonstrate the qualities that hundreds of years ago were characteristic of the Ukrainian Cossacks and fighters for the independence of our people from the enslavers. As then, our military and civilians are today side by side defending their native land from invaders.