Scientific Cooperation of KhNUIA with Republic of Poland continues
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Faculty № 6 together with the Center for Ukrainian-Polish Development of Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs in cooperation with the University partner the University of Occupational Safety Management in Katowice took part in a series of lectures, which are held within the project "Joining forces to find effective ways to generate energy: scientific and educational aspects".

From Paris to Kharkiv
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Cooperation of Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs with French Association «Atraversleeurope», which sent regular humanitarian cargo to Ukraine, continues. 

Current issues were discussed during meeting of the Department of Legal Support of Entrepreneurial Activity and Financial Security
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A meeting of the Department of Legal Support of Entrepreneurial Activity and Financial Security of the Faculty № 6 was held online via Zoom conference program

Security rules for internally displaced persons
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The European Union together with the International Organization for Migration and the Ministry of Social Policy of Ukraine have launched an all-Ukrainian communication campaign dedicated to the security of internally displaced persons

How can a scientist keep up with the trends of modern science and scientometrics
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Nataliia Krasnova, Larysa Sazanova, and Senior lecturers of the Department of Foreign Languages of the Faculty № 4 of KhNUIA, and Hanna Babak, a Lecturer at the same Department, listened to a webinar on “The difference between a category B professional article and a Scopus / Web of Science article”.

A university professor held an interactive lecture for assistant judges of local general and appellate cour
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Oleksandr Kukhariev, Professor of the Department of Civil Law and Proceedings of the Faculty № 6 of Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs, held an interactive lecture on the topic "Inheritance law under martial law" for assistant judges of local general and appellate courts, which took place at the National School of Judges of Ukraine.

Volunteer activity of the Research Laboratory on the Issues of Pre-Trial Investigation
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The staff of the Research Laboratory on the Issues of Pre-Trial Investigation of Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs continues to participate in the volunteer movement and help people not to lose their sense of support, security and justice. Serhii Shatrava, Head of the Laboratory, provided Kharkiv City Children's Polyclinic № 1 with children's clothing, medicines and food

KhNUIA in the ranking of universities according to the Scopus database in 2022
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The next annual rating of Ukrainian higher education institutions according to the Scopus scientometric database has been published on the website.

Career guidance work in Ternopil Region
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Olha Medvedieva, Associate Professor of the Department of Pedagogy and Psychology of the Faculty № 3 of KhNUIA, held a career guidance event on the features of the admission campaign - 2022 to Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs, which took place in the Chortkivskyi Regional Police Department of Main Directorate of the National Police in Ternopil Region.

Lecturers of KhNUIA study the international experience of teaching English
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Nataliia Horbach and Larysa Sazanova, Senior Lecturers of the Department of Foreign Languages of the Faculty № 4, took part in an online webinar for educators on the topic «Teaching vocabulary to B1 Preliminary for Schools students» from Cambridge Language Assessment.