Participants of the School of Scientific Leadership Conducted a Training on Preventing Child Abduction
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Participants of the Center for Social Projects of the School of Scientific Leadership, cadets of the faculty No. 1 of KhNUIA Polina Suslova and Ihor Sumin, together with the volunteers of the LisaAlert search unit Nataliia Nezhyna and Yuliia Yampolska, conducted a training on preventing the abduction of children "Friend or Foe" in Kharkiv gymnasium No 82.

Thematic meeting of the scientific group of students of the Department of Sociology and Psychology
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A thematic meeting of the scientific group of students of the Department of Sociology and Psychology of the Faculty № 6 was held under the leadership of the Associate Professor of the Department, Candidate of Biological Sciences Olena Shakhova. The event was dedicated to the 145th anniversary of the publication of the book "Criminal Man" by the prominent Italian forensic psychiatrist and criminologist Cesare Lombroso (1835-1909) and took the form of a museum lecture using the online platform Google Meet.

Advanced training
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Olha Piskunova, Commissioner for Anti-Corruption Activities of KhNUIA, took part in the training “Functional Directions of the Commissioner for Prevention and Detection of Corruption. In-depth training", which took place in Kreminna, Luhansk region within the UN Program for Restoration and Peacebuilding.

Meeting of university students with a representative of ELSA Kharkiv
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A meeting of students of the faculty № 6 with the representative of ELSA Kharkiv Maxym Takachenko took place. Issues related to the STEP program were discussed. A representative of ELSA Kharkiv spoke about the organization of international internships, the principle of their conduction and the creation of electronic applications of the participants.

Career guidance work in Kharkiv secondary school № 19 
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Associate Professor of Administrative Law and Procedure of Faculty № 1of KhNUIA Maryna Dzhafarova held a career guidance meeting with students of graduating classes of secondary school I-III degrees № 19 of Kharkiv City Council of Kharkiv region and met with school principal Olha Bulavintseva.

Library for the birthday of KhNUIA
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For the 27th anniversary of the granting of university status to Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs, the scientific library of the university has prepared a book exhibition "Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs: past, present, future".

We honor the defenders of Ukraine
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On November 21, on the Day of Dignity and Freedom, which is celebrated annually in Ukraine, the staff, cadets and students of Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs, Sumy branch and Kremenchuk Flight College together with the representatives of public authorities, the public, ATO / OOS veterans laid flowers at the monuments to the heroes and defenders of our country.

For the Day of the Revolution of Dignity and Freedom, the library of KhNUIA presents
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Every year, on November 21, we celebrate the Day of Dignity and Freedom. This day is a symbol of struggle and victory, a symbol of unity for the highest ideals of the civilized world. For the day of honoring, the scientific library of Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs has prepared a book-illustrative exposition "From the Revolution of Dignity to the Country of Dignity".

KhNUIA cadets are bronze medalists of the All-Ukrainian SAMBO Wrestling Tournament
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Cadets of Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs became prize-winners of the All-Ukrainian Sambo Wrestling Tournament in the honor of Oleh Karmazinskyi, which took place in Kharkiv. University athletes showed a decent fight and became bronze medalists of the championship.

Participation of representatives of the Flight College in the seminar "Diagnosis and maintenance of mental health"
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Oksana Savchenko, Liudmyla Ivanchenko, Svitlana Cherednyk and Nataliia Koversun, teachers of the cycle commission of philological disciplines of Kremenchuk Flight College of KhNUIA took part in the psychological seminar "Diagnosis and preservation of mental health" organized by the Center for Transpersonal Psychology.