Gifts to the library
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Scientific Library of Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs received new publications as a gift from Oleksandr Yukhno, Professor of the Department of Criminalistics, Forensic Sciences and Pre-Medical Training, Faculty 1, Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs.

A binary lesson in a foreign language of a professional direction with an investigator
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Lectures of the Department of Foreign Languages of the Faculty № 4 Anna Babak and Artem Bilousov together with the investigator of the Department of Investigation of Crimes against Life and Health, the Investigative Department of the Prylutskyi District Police Department of the MDNP in Chernihiv region police lieutenant Anton Temnosahatyi conducted a binary course for the second year cadets of Faculty № 1 on the topic "Interaction of the investigator with the bodies of inquiry at the initial stage of the accident investigation".

Career guidance work of the preparatory department of the Faculty № 6
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Ihor Titov, a specialist of the preparatory department of the Faculty № 6, visited Kharkiv secondary school № 140 within the framework of career guidance work. A representative of the university talked to the management of the educational institution, high school students.

Binary lesson on the subject "Modern problems of family law"
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Professor of the Department of Civil Law and Proceedings Larysa Krasytska together with the lawyer Anastasiia Moseichuk conducted a binary seminar for full-time students of higher education "Master" in the discipline "Modern problems of family law".

Meeting of the scientific circle of the Department of Administrative Law and Procedure
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A regular meeting of the scientific circle of the Department of Administrative Law and Process of the Faculty № 1 was held. Its head - Professor of the Department, Doctor of Legal Sciences, Professor Volodymyr Chumak told the cadets about the most relevant areas of research in the field of administrative law and administrative process.

Binary lesson within the All-Ukrainian Road Safety Week
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The second stage of the annual All-Ukrainian Road Safety Week is continuing, the activities of which should help reduce the number of fatalities and injuries as a result of road accidents.

Rewarding of the lecturer for preparation of the prize-winner of the Ministry of Internal Affairs competition for the best student's scientific work in the field of humanities
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Dean of the Faculty № 6, Doctor of Legal Sciences Oksana Brusakova on behalf of the Rector of the University presented the Acknowledgment of the Academic Council tothe  Associate Professor of the Department of Social nd Humanitarian Disciplines of the Faculty № 6 Nataliia Kobylko for the student research successful leadership.

To the attention of students and scientific and pedagogical staff of KhNUIA!
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On November 26, 2021, at 3 pm, the Language Center of Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs (room 202 / 4b) will host an online presentation on “Gender Equality, UN Resolution 1325 and the SMM”.

Representatives of the Spanish Guardia Civil met with the appicants for higher education of KhNUIA
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Representatives of the EUAM Specialized Team led by the head of the Specialized Group for the Protection of Public Order Fernando Magro Moros, met with the applicants for higher education of Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs.

Rector Valerii Sokurenko met with Brigitta Triebel, Head of the Konrad Adenauer Foundation (Kharkiv)
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Rector of Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs, Police General of the Third Rank Valerii Sokurenko met with Brigitta Triebel, Head of the Konrad Adenauer Foundation (Kharkiv).