Career guidance work of university representatives in Zmiiv and Slobozhansk village communities
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Representatives of the Department of Constitutional and International Law of the Faculty № 4 of Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs Associate Professors Dmytro Halkin and Oleksandr Radchenko, Senior Lecturer Nataliia Filipska conducted career guidance work in Zmiiv City Community, Slobozhansk Village Community and met with the management of Slobozhanska Gymnasium № 2. 

Round table “Application of information technologies in the activities of law enforcement agencies”
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Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs hosted an online roundtable discussion on “Application of Information Technologies in Law Enforcement Activities”.

New publication - in the university scientific library
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The Scientific Library of Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs once again received a new edition as a gift from Professor of the Department of Criminalistics, Forensic Science and Pre-Medical Training of the Faculty № 1, Doctor of Laws Oleksandr Yukhnо.

Curatorial hour on anti-corruption issues
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On the eve of the International Anti-Corruption Day, Svitlana Vyhaniailo, Associate Professor of Sumy branch of KhNUIA, conducted a thematic interview on "Familiarization of cadets with the main provisions of the Law of Ukraine "On Prevention of Corruption" and Anti-Corruption Discipline".

Career guidance meeting with students of Kharkiv secondary school № 60
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The Department of Cybersecurity and DATA-Technologies of the Faculty № 6 conducted career guidance activities for high school students of Kharkiv Secondary School № 60. Representatives of the University spoke about the specialties which cadets and students study.

The liquidators of the Chernobyl accident were honored in Kharkiv
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Rector of Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs, Police General of the Third Rank Valerii Sokurenko, along with representatives of state authorities and local governments, laid flowers to the memorial to the victims of the Chernobyl disaster in Kharkiv Youth Park.

Exhibition dedicated to the Day of Honoring the Liquidators of Chernobyl Accident
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The Department of Social and Humanitarian Work for two groups of first-year cadets of the Faculty № 3 held a presentation of the traditional exhibition for University Museum – “To the Day of Honoring the liquidators of Chernobyl accident”.

Cadets met with employees of the criminal analysis department of the MDNP in Poltava region
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4th year cadets meeting with employees of the Department of Criminal Analysis of the MDNP in Poltava region was held and organizaed by the Dean of the Faculty № 4, Police Colonel Ihor Nazarenko and the Deputy Dean for Educational and Methodological Work, Police Major Yurii Onyschenko.

Issues of academic and service discipline were discussed during a meeting at the Faculty № 4 (Cyber police)
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The Dean of the Faculty № 4, Police Colonel Ihor Nazarenko met with cadets of the Faculty. Issues of academic and service discipline, preparation for the examination session, prevention of corruption and settlement of conflicts of interest in professional activities were considered.

Meeting with stakeholders
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In order to deepen the quality of educational programs at the Faculty № 6 of Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs, a regular meeting was held with stakeholders. The discussion was attended by the guarantor of the educational-professional program of the second (master's) level of higher education in specialty of “Finance, Banking and Insurance”, Head of the Department of Legal Support of Economic Activity Olha Hetmanets, Associate Professor of the same Department Victoriia Fursa and Chairman of the Supervisory Board of JSC “Grant Bank” Sarkis Symovian.