Binary lesson at the State Archives of Sumy Region
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Nadiia Demydenko, Professor of the Department of Humanities of Sumy Branch of KhNUIA and Inna Honcharova, Head of the Information and Documents Department of the State Archives of Sumy region, conducted a practical training in the discipline "Introduction to Legal Research" for the 1st year students.

Online scientific internship
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Associate Professor of the Department of Sociology and Psychology of Faculty No. 6, Candidate of Psychological Sciences Yana Ponomarenko passed online the II International Scientific Internship Program  "Outstanding Personalities: Study of Experience and Professional Achievements for the Formation of a Successful Personality and Transformation of the World".

KhNUIA Legal Clinic is a combination of theory and practice
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The direct participation of students and cadets in real legal practice under the guidance of teachers is one of the effective ways to acquire practical professional skills while studying at the university. Since the beginning of the school year, 11 citizens have applied to the Legal Clinic of KhNUIA, who were provided with free legal aid. 

Binary lesson on administrative law
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Marina Dzhafarova, Associate Professor of the Department of Administrative Law and Procedure of the Faculty № 1, conducted a binary lesson for second-year cadets of the Faculty № 2 in the discipline "Administrative Law" with the participation of the investigator of the inquiry sector of the police department № 2 of the Svativskyi district police department of the MDNP in the Luhansk region, police lieutenant Yevhenii Reznikov.

A meeting of the scientific group was held at the Department of Criminal Law and Criminology
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A regular meeting of the scientific group took place at the Department of Criminal Law and Criminology of the Faculty № 1. Its head - Professor of the Department, Doctor of Law, Professor Andrii Yashchenko told the cadets about the most relevant areas of research in the field of criminal law, criminology, criminal executive law.

An employee of Kremenchug Flight College was trained at «Airbus Helicopters» in Marignan (France)
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Aviation technician in instruments and radio equipment of the aircraft maintenance department of the aviation technical base of Kremenchug Flight College of Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs Valerii Karpynskyi successfully completed a full course of training at the «Airbus Helicopters» training center in Marignan (France) on the courses "H125 Type Rating for Avionics no Part 147" and "H125 Modules for Technicians Instructors Avionics". 

Representatives of the fourth recruitment for training of community police officers began their studies at the university
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140 police officers - representatives of the National Police from different regions of Ukraine arrived at Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs to undertake training in specialization courses for community police officers assigned to police stations of territorial communities.

The cadets of the university became members of the Youth Council at Balakliia City Council
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Participants of the School of Scientific Leadership, 2nd year cadets of the Faculty №1 Vladyslava Balera and Ivan Shkurat took part in the constituent assembly and became members of the Youth Council at Balakliia City Council.

Binary lesson on the subject "Informatics and Computer Engineering"
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Svitlana Hrybanova, the specialist of the highest category teacher-methodologist of the cycle commission of natural sciences of the educational department of Kremenchug Flight College of KhNUIA and the head of the information and technical department Vitalii Behma conducted a binary lesson for cadets of the 2nd year of the specialty "Avionics" in the discipline "Informatics and Computer Engineering" on the topic "Internet hardware. Network cables''.

Binary class in a foreign language of professional direction
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Senior Lecturer of the Department of Foreign Languages of Faculty No 1 Nataliia Krasnova and lecturer of the same department Hanna Babak with the support of the Department of International Cooperation of Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs held a binary online class in a foreign language of professional direction on the Zoom platform for cadets of Faculty No 1.